The stomach flu sucks. And it sucks even more when your immune system sucks. Now I guess this is what ‘Tysabri depletes your immune system’ means. Numerous other family members I visited this holiday are/were sick with the same illness, including Le Boyfriend. However, he was sick for 5 hours, I’ve been sick for 6 days! We came down with symptoms within an hour of each other, but clearly didn’t feel better at the same time. I was used to sickness taking longer to clear up than normal, and usually some type of complication, but this is a bit much. So at the suggestion of, well everyone, I ventured to the doctor. After much discussion, poking and prodding, overall conclusion was a virus! I just get to wait it out, swell. The directions she gave were rest and the BRAT diet. Remember that one? Banana, Rice, Applesauce and Toast. But what happens when you don’t eat most of that stuff? Like rice and toast? And usually not bananas either (but that’s my choice). So I had a little bit of a hard time when I stopped by the store on the way home. I only had one store to work with, which wasn’t Whole Foods, so my options were a little dismal. So I had a choice. Find some gluten free options, with minimal other ingredients and help myself get better, or keep eating almonds, which aren’t the best option, and prolong the healing process. I chose to get better. I may have had to eat crackers I normally wouldn’t eat, but I feel better today. This went for the bananas too. I chose to eat a few things I normally don’t, but it was all in the name of my overall health. In the late afternoon of my 6th day of sickness, I am finally feeling better. It has been a (very) long 6 days, and I think this was a taste of my new Tysabri infused-immune system non existent body that needs serious help to heal itself. My days of powering through everything might be over, which is going to be really hard to get used to. That ‘get rest’ direction was often ignored, but probably not anymore. I learned a few things about my body, but I certainly learned that Tysabri really is a BRAT.