Some conglomerate of my family has been in this house almost 20 years. 20 years! That’s a long time, and a lot of stuff! We have been going through room by room and doing a huge purge. While Le Hubby and I were down in the basement, going through one of the storage rooms, we came across multitudes of old computer, printer, scanner, (insert computer accessory here), boxes. Anything that my Father has purchased over the past 20 years, he has kept the box! Styrofoam and all. When I approached him about this, he originally wanted to keep the boxes for everything he currently owns. Now let me paint this picture for you if I can. He is THE computer nerd of all nerds. He has worked in the computer industry for his entire life. He now works from home and has a huge set up in his office, some question if he works for the CIA when they see it. Needless to say this man currently has a lot of computer related items. To keep that amount of boxes, would be slightly ridiculous. I understand his desire obsession to have his things protected, but that is what they invented bubble wrap for! Thankfully, I convinced him to get ride of ALL THE THINGS! As I walked away I chanted, “Let go of the boxes! Free yourself of the boxes!” jokingly at first, but then I realized how important my statement really was and what I was really saying to him, behind the scenes.
Let that Shit Go.
I have been trying really hard to adapt this mantra for my life recently, and live it as an example for others. There are many things that can come into your life that you can not control, you can even be holding onto positive or negative things from the past. But in order to realize what needs to go, you need to ask yourself, ‘How is holding on serving me?’. Is it serving me to hold on my anger or resentment towards someone? Is it serving me to hold onto mementos from relationships? Is it serving me to hold onto old hurts from the past? If the answer is anywhere near a no, then Let that Shit Go.
No, it won’t happen overnight, I’m sorry to say. But with some work and awareness, you can certainly make progress towards that goal. Whatever you are holding on to, you have emotions and meaning tied to it, whether it is positive or negative. Working through and letting go of the emotions/meaning is where you need to start. It’s the hardest, but isn’t that usually the case with the first step?
Once you discover what emotions you hold, don’t jump all over yourself for them! If you are still hanging on to anger, old relationships, memories you miss, just be aware of them. Don’t Judge! That’s not fair for you, or validating. It just prolongs the process.
When you have moved through your emotions and judgements, and given yourself some grace, then you can begin to fully let go of what you are holding onto. It’s not an easy process, or an over night one either. But definitely a worth while one. You will get more mental energy to put into things you want and things that deserve your energy. Once you get used to the process, it will come easier as well.
I help women who have also been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis make specific and personalized diet, lifestyle & subconscious changes so that they can begin to heal their body, reduce disease symptoms, and return to a life they love.hey there,
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