Bladder Dysfunction

It was Christmastime and Target was as busy as ever. I had gotten everything I on my list, wrapping paper, tape, some presents. It was getting late and I was tired. I used to love shopping, but now it just takes it out of me, especially when the stores are busy. My husband said he would go get the car as he usually does and I wrapped up inside, getting a few last things, browsing for a few more minutes. Finally I got in line to check out. Obviously it was longer than normal during this time of year, but that usually doesn’t bother me, being a former Target employee, I know they handle the lines fairly well. I started chatting with the girl at the register when it was my turn. The usual conversation, about the crowds, if your shopping is done, etc.

Then, it happened. I didn’t notice it at first, it can be sneaky like that. But then I felt it, the warmth and urgency that I have felt so many times before.

I panicked.

Bladder Dysfunction in MS

Bladder dysfunction is one of the most commonly reported symptoms from MS patients, with up to 80% being affected. If an individuals system is working properly, urine will collect slowly in the bladder and cause it to expand. When enough fluid has accumulated nerves in the bladder will send signals to the spinal cord which will send signals to the brain that the bladder needs to be emptied. When the person is in the bathroom, the brain sends signals to the spinal cord which triggers the bladder and sphincter to open.

Dysfunction occurs when lesions are present and inhibit nerve signals from reaching their intended destination. With so many signals being sent in between the brain and the spinal cord multiple times, it’s no wonder bladder dysfunction is such a common problem! The specific dysfunction can happen for two reasons, the bladders spastic or the bladder isn’t emptying all the way because the sphincter is spastic.

Because of either cause, there can be many symptoms present including:

  • Urgency– The need to urinate may come on (very) quickly and suddenly
  • Hesitancy– The urge to urinate is present, but starting to urinate can take a long time or it’s difficult to keep it flowing.
  • Frequency– The urge to urinate happens much more often than usual, often times at night which can cause sleep disturbances (otherwise known as nocturia).
  • Incontinence– Either having a sudden urge to urinate and the flow starting immediately, or being unaware that there is leaking happening.

If bladder dysfunction continues without treatment, it can lead to severe symptoms and can lead to permanent damage to the urinary tract. This occurs when urine is left in the bladder and can lead to urinary tract infections, bladder infections, kidney infections or stones.  Also. these issues can also lead to emotional distress and avoidance of social situations or isolation.

Thankfully, there are many ways to treat bladder dysfunction with either lifestyle modifications, medications or procedures. Lifestyle modifications include both dietary and behavioral changes. Dietary changes include liming caffeine and alcohol (as these can be irritating to the bladder) as well as limiting fluids several hours before bed time if you struggle with waking up in the middle of the night.

Behavioral interventions include timing fluid intake as well as urinating on a regular schedule to help train the bladder. Other interventions include:

  • Pelvic floor physical therapy is also a great option. This targets muscles that are attached to the pelvic bone and sacrum that control bladder and bowel function. This method utilizes biofeedback, neuromuscular stimulation and home exercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles which improves muscle control.
  • Percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation is another alternative option. This is where a very small electrode is inserted into the ankle which transmits a signal to the sacral plexus. This treatment does for 30 minutes per week for 12 weeks has been shown to reduce urinary frequency, nighttime urination and incontinence.
  • Intermittent self-catheterization is sometimes recommended for individuals who have difficulty fully emptying the bladder. With this treatment, a small tube (catheter) is inserted into the urethra to empty the bladder, then removed.

There are many medications available to help control spasticity and to promote the flow of urine. Some include baclofen, oxybutynin and terazosin. If symptoms persist after these interventions are tried, there are surgical options available as well.

Dealing with bladder issues during day to day life can be tiring and isolating, but there are ways to plan ahead.

  • Plan frequent stops. I am unapologetic about having to stop every half an hour to go to the bathroom and you shouldn’t be either.
  • Use protection. Some days are worse than others and I can usually tell what kind of day it will be early in the morning. On the ‘bad’ days, I add a layer (or two) or protection to my undies. It has come in handy more than I’d like to admit. And, I always carry a few pads with me just in case I need to add some in the middle of the day.
  • Have a change of clothes handy. For the worst case scenario, have an extra pair of everything on hand. I’ve been stuck without this, and it’s not fun. Worried about what others might say? Just say you’re a klutz and spilled water/tea/kombucha on your pants and you have to change pronto!
  • Have support. This is one of the most embarrassing, demoralizing, isolating symptoms we can deal with. Having someone to talk to about it changes everything.
  • Stay hydrated! I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but my bladder symptoms really act up when I am dehydrated. Plus, being dehydrated can bring on a whole bunch of other symptoms and issues, not good!

I always tell my husband, if I could make one symptom magically disappear, this would be it. But I’ve found that through lifestyle changes and paying attention to my body,  I am more able to manage my bladder dysfunction. I know that around my cycle, when I am dehydrated and when I drink coffee, my bladder symptoms act up. So being extra prepared on some days, really helps me both mentally and practically.

Bladder dysfunction is no joke, and can cause a boat load of other issues if left untreated. But thankfully there are many ways we can manage the symptoms and not let it run and ruin our lives.

My panic quickly grew to terror. ‘This has never happened in public before, what do I do?’ I thought to myself. I didn’t feel like I could run away from all of my things to the bathroom, I felt trapped. I rushed through the transaction as fast as I could in a socially acceptable way, and then ran to the bathroom. The damage was done and I began to cry. I gave myself a few more moments of pity before running from the bathroom to my awaiting husband and car. He could tell by my speed and tears that something had happened. Immediately he began asking what was wrong, “Just drive” was all I could muster. Eventually I was able to calm down to gesture toward my pants and said

“yeah, that just happened”.


I help women who have also been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis make specific and personalized diet, lifestyle & subconscious changes so that they can begin to heal their body, reduce disease symptoms, and return to a life they love.hey there,

follow along on Instagram:

It’s been a week for me… maybe you too?

Use this short video for a moment of peace and regulation.

What do you notice in your body and about your emotions when you exhale and drop your shoulders?

Or when you hear bird songs?

Notice what makes you feel more calm, relaxed and at peace. 
Do more of that..

It’s been a week for me… maybe you too?

Use this short video for a moment of peace and regulation.

What do you notice in your body and about your emotions when you exhale and drop your shoulders?

Or when you hear bird songs?

Notice what makes you feel more calm, relaxed and at peace.
Do more of that..

6 2
I get it… I was once in paralysis by analysis for years!!

I’m creating a Masterclass/Workshop experience in August to cover this exact topic: what and how to eat for MS. 

BUT!! I need your help to narrow down what we’ll be talking about.

Which of these options sounds most helpful?
Comment the number below!!

Workshop ideas: 

1. Simple Nutrition for MS: what you need to know about eating for healing 

2. Create Your Own MS Diet: How to know what is best for YOU, while also helping MS symptoms

3. Education into Action: How to put the knowledge you have into action steps that make progress

4. Blend of it All: Education, steps to finding your own MS diet and how to get started

Want something else?? Tell me 👇🏼👇🏼

I get it… I was once in paralysis by analysis for years!!

I’m creating a Masterclass/Workshop experience in August to cover this exact topic: what and how to eat for MS.

BUT!! I need your help to narrow down what we’ll be talking about.

Which of these options sounds most helpful?
Comment the number below!!

Workshop ideas:

1. Simple Nutrition for MS: what you need to know about eating for healing

2. Create Your Own MS Diet: How to know what is best for YOU, while also helping MS symptoms

3. Education into Action: How to put the knowledge you have into action steps that make progress

4. Blend of it All: Education, steps to finding your own MS diet and how to get started

Want something else?? Tell me 👇🏼👇🏼

4 1
FYI- This process took several YEARS for me . So please stop beating yourself up if you’re not here yet.

Tbh- I needed to go through the scared, intimidated, rebellious no way before I got to the heck yes.

It took me being at rock bottom, symptoms out of control and knowing I needed something else.

So I didn’t really “do anything” to be ready. 
I just was when I was.

If you’re feeling ready to make diet changes to help your MS symptoms, I created an Eating for MS guide just for you! 

Your guide includes:
- The best foods to be eating when you have MS
- Several ways to get started
- Fast and easy meal ideas
- And so much more!!

Comment GUIDE below and I’ll send you the link to download!

FYI- This process took several YEARS for me . So please stop beating yourself up if you’re not here yet.

Tbh- I needed to go through the scared, intimidated, rebellious no way before I got to the heck yes.

It took me being at rock bottom, symptoms out of control and knowing I needed something else.

So I didn’t really “do anything” to be ready.
I just was when I was.

If you’re feeling ready to make diet changes to help your MS symptoms, I created an Eating for MS guide just for you!

Your guide includes:
- The best foods to be eating when you have MS
- Several ways to get started
- Fast and easy meal ideas
- And so much more!!

Comment GUIDE below and I’ll send you the link to download!

15 7
I get it- it’s really easy to shame yourself into changing something, especially your diet/the foods you eat. And especially when we feel there are other things we “should be doing” because we know “it’s better for us”.

But that is NOT my wish for you.

Hi 👋🏼 my name is Alissa and we do things differently around here.

My goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed decisions about your dietary choices, tailored to your unique MS needs and preferences.

This is why I wrote my Eating for MS Guide the way I did.
I did not give you foods to fear or messages of ONLY EAT THIS FOOD FOREVER OR ELSE.

I’m giving you the tools to be confident in the choices you’re making, because you know it works for YOU. Not because you “should” do it this or that way.

If you’ve been wanting: 
- to eat in a way that supports your body with MS, but are confused about all the different messages online
- to feel empowered about your choices, not shamed
- to do it all in a gentle, slow way, not a crash diet..

My guide is for you!!
Comment GUIDE below and I’ll send you the link to download!!

I get it- it’s really easy to shame yourself into changing something, especially your diet/the foods you eat. And especially when we feel there are other things we “should be doing” because we know “it’s better for us”.

But that is NOT my wish for you.

Hi 👋🏼 my name is Alissa and we do things differently around here.

My goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed decisions about your dietary choices, tailored to your unique MS needs and preferences.

This is why I wrote my Eating for MS Guide the way I did.
I did not give you foods to fear or messages of ONLY EAT THIS FOOD FOREVER OR ELSE.

I’m giving you the tools to be confident in the choices you’re making, because you know it works for YOU. Not because you “should” do it this or that way.

If you’ve been wanting:
- to eat in a way that supports your body with MS, but are confused about all the different messages online
- to feel empowered about your choices, not shamed
- to do it all in a gentle, slow way, not a crash diet..

My guide is for you!!
Comment GUIDE below and I’ll send you the link to download!!

5 2
Or for when you’re trying to talk yourself out of being sick.. 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️😂😂

Even if you feel fine, try saying a few of these out loud. Feel what happens to your body when you do.

Do you feel an expansion or lightness in your chest?
Does breathing get a little easier?
Just notice the shifts in your body.

I’m not saying we can talk ourselves out of it (illness, flares etc) … but… our body and cells respond to our thoughts.

So how we think about ourselves is definitely in the conversation of how we can take care of ourselves overall. 

Or for when you’re trying to talk yourself out of being sick.. 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️😂😂

Even if you feel fine, try saying a few of these out loud. Feel what happens to your body when you do.

Do you feel an expansion or lightness in your chest?
Does breathing get a little easier?
Just notice the shifts in your body.

I’m not saying we can talk ourselves out of it (illness, flares etc) … but… our body and cells respond to our thoughts.

So how we think about ourselves is definitely in the conversation of how we can take care of ourselves overall.

38 4
IDK if it’s hot where you live, but where I live, it’s been hot AF.

And you know what that means, you might be seeing an increase in MS symptoms too. 

I’ve been using all the cooling methods, but I wanted to see if there was more I could do. 

Did you know you can use the food you eat to help cool your body temperature too? 

Food can help you stay cool by helping to regulate your body temperature and promoting hydration and sweating.

Some of the foods that help:
🥒Water rich veggies: like cucumber, tomatoes, zucchini, celery etc
🍓Fruits: like berries, melons and tropical fruits 
🥥Coconut water and coconut milk
🌿Herbs: mint (mint water is 💯), dill, rosemary, lavender, lemongrass, chamomile 
🌶️Spices: paprika, cayenne, peppers etc

If you tolerate them, add these to your next shopping trip and I hope you stay cool!!

PS— I just dropped my new Eating for MS guide!! 
If you: 
👉🏼 are confused about what to eat to help MS symptoms because of all the mixed messages online..
👉🏼 are stuck in paralysis by analysis because of said confusion, which makes you do nothing cause you’re afraid you’ll do it “wrong” anyway.. 
👉🏼 know you want to eat differently, but the thought of “starting a diet” sends you into a spiral.. 

This guide is for you!!

Comment GUIDE below and I’ll send you the link to download!!

IDK if it’s hot where you live, but where I live, it’s been hot AF.

And you know what that means, you might be seeing an increase in MS symptoms too.

I’ve been using all the cooling methods, but I wanted to see if there was more I could do.

Did you know you can use the food you eat to help cool your body temperature too?

Food can help you stay cool by helping to regulate your body temperature and promoting hydration and sweating.

Some of the foods that help:
🥒Water rich veggies: like cucumber, tomatoes, zucchini, celery etc
🍓Fruits: like berries, melons and tropical fruits
🥥Coconut water and coconut milk
🌿Herbs: mint (mint water is 💯), dill, rosemary, lavender, lemongrass, chamomile
🌶️Spices: paprika, cayenne, peppers etc

If you tolerate them, add these to your next shopping trip and I hope you stay cool!!

PS— I just dropped my new Eating for MS guide!!
If you:
👉🏼 are confused about what to eat to help MS symptoms because of all the mixed messages online..
👉🏼 are stuck in paralysis by analysis because of said confusion, which makes you do nothing cause you’re afraid you’ll do it “wrong” anyway..
👉🏼 know you want to eat differently, but the thought of “starting a diet” sends you into a spiral..

This guide is for you!!

Comment GUIDE below and I’ll send you the link to download!!

13 3
The soil you grow your tomatoes in matters.
Well, the soil you grow everything matters.

(This is also a metaphor for your mind)

Rich nutrient dense soil = healthy plants 
Soil full of sticks, rocks and a tiny bit of nutrients = unhealthy plants

The foundations on which you build a garden (or a mindset) really matter in the end. 

Which would you choose?

PS- My new Eating for MS guide is here!!
If you’ve ever been confused on what to eat to help MS symptoms, this is for you!!

Comment GUIDE and I’ll send you the link to download!!

The soil you grow your tomatoes in matters.
Well, the soil you grow everything matters.

(This is also a metaphor for your mind)

Rich nutrient dense soil = healthy plants
Soil full of sticks, rocks and a tiny bit of nutrients = unhealthy plants

The foundations on which you build a garden (or a mindset) really matter in the end.

Which would you choose?

PS- My new Eating for MS guide is here!!
If you’ve ever been confused on what to eat to help MS symptoms, this is for you!!

Comment GUIDE and I’ll send you the link to download!!

4 0
I shoulda just dunked myself lol.

But save this post to have these tips at the ready.

If you’re an MSer.. you know an increase in temperature can cause our already compromised neurons to work even less effectively than normal.

While we may feel like 💩, there usually isn’t new disease activity causing the symptoms. Rather a worsening of current symptoms, which is also called a pseudoexacerbation.

(Now, if you’re feeling extra 💩💩, and some new symptoms crop up, a call to your doc might be in order.)

There’s a few things I have found helpful for managing the heat:

BE PROACTIVE: Instead of waiting until you’re about to melt, use cooling strategies before you really need them. 
Hopefully this way, you’ll never get to the point where you feel like you may burst into flames.

CREATE AN OASIS: If you don’t have central AC, make (at least) one room in your house a cool oasis where you can hide from the heat.

ACCESSORIZE: Get alllll the cooling products. @koldtec scarves, @releafpack cooling packs (amazing for the back of the neck), an awesome water bottle that keeps water ice cold, personal fans or popsicles!

For me, I can feel ok in the heat until all of a sudden I don’t. Using my proactive cooling has helped a ton.
Also, my heat tolerance has been improving since I have been taking so many steps to improve my health.
I rarely feel tingly in my legs which used to be a warm weather staple for me.

But most of all, make sure to advocate for yourself and your comfort.
You deserve comfort as well as any other person.
Please don’t let fear of “ruining” a summer day keep you from saying what you need.

I shoulda just dunked myself lol.

But save this post to have these tips at the ready.

If you’re an MSer.. you know an increase in temperature can cause our already compromised neurons to work even less effectively than normal.

While we may feel like 💩, there usually isn’t new disease activity causing the symptoms. Rather a worsening of current symptoms, which is also called a pseudoexacerbation.

(Now, if you’re feeling extra 💩💩, and some new symptoms crop up, a call to your doc might be in order.)

There’s a few things I have found helpful for managing the heat:

BE PROACTIVE: Instead of waiting until you’re about to melt, use cooling strategies before you really need them.
Hopefully this way, you’ll never get to the point where you feel like you may burst into flames.

CREATE AN OASIS: If you don’t have central AC, make (at least) one room in your house a cool oasis where you can hide from the heat.

ACCESSORIZE: Get alllll the cooling products. @koldtec scarves, @releafpack cooling packs (amazing for the back of the neck), an awesome water bottle that keeps water ice cold, personal fans or popsicles!

For me, I can feel ok in the heat until all of a sudden I don’t. Using my proactive cooling has helped a ton.
Also, my heat tolerance has been improving since I have been taking so many steps to improve my health.
I rarely feel tingly in my legs which used to be a warm weather staple for me.

But most of all, make sure to advocate for yourself and your comfort.
You deserve comfort as well as any other person.
Please don’t let fear of “ruining” a summer day keep you from saying what you need.

28 4
Growing your own fruit or veggie is a great way to eat more of them!!

It may seem daunting, but it’s actually pretty easy.

Some easy things to grow if you’re just starting out:

🥬Leafy greens (I’m harvesting my kale here!)
🥒Squash & zucchini 

I’ve grown some type of veggie for years now, usually squash, peas and tomatoes (for Scott lol).

Do you have a garden? That can be in ground, raised or even containers like me.

What do you like to grow?? Tell me below!!

PS- need something to do with the veggies you grow?? 

I just dropped my new Eating for MS Guide, where I talk all about what foods are best for MS and give you some recipe ideas so it’s super simple for you to find symptom relief through food too.

Comment GUIDE below and I’ll send you the link to download!! (And it’s free!!)

Growing your own fruit or veggie is a great way to eat more of them!!

It may seem daunting, but it’s actually pretty easy.

Some easy things to grow if you’re just starting out:

🥬Leafy greens (I’m harvesting my kale here!)
🥒Squash & zucchini

I’ve grown some type of veggie for years now, usually squash, peas and tomatoes (for Scott lol).

Do you have a garden? That can be in ground, raised or even containers like me.

What do you like to grow?? Tell me below!!

PS- need something to do with the veggies you grow??

I just dropped my new Eating for MS Guide, where I talk all about what foods are best for MS and give you some recipe ideas so it’s super simple for you to find symptom relief through food too.

Comment GUIDE below and I’ll send you the link to download!! (And it’s free!!)

18 6
⭐️Changing my diet!!⭐️

First, like and save this post so you can come back to it if you need.

It took me years to finally be ready to consider changing my diet to help MS symptoms.

It actually took a pretty bad rock bottom moment, but that’s a story for another day.

I get it if you feel like this process is hard and daunting.

Start here:
⭐️Pick a meal to switch up, include a few different foods a week or increase protein.
⭐️Get curious about how the foods you’re currently eating are making you feel

Those are just 3 suggestions to get you started.

Want more information about Eating for MS?

Like what (imo) you should include in your diet, how to eliminate foods, and meal ideas??
So that you too can feel so much better in your body and get your life back?

I just dropped a new Eating for MS Guide, full of all the info you need to get started on your own food journey.

Comment GUIDE below and I’ll send you the link! 

⭐️Changing my diet!!⭐️

First, like and save this post so you can come back to it if you need.

It took me years to finally be ready to consider changing my diet to help MS symptoms.

It actually took a pretty bad rock bottom moment, but that’s a story for another day.

I get it if you feel like this process is hard and daunting.

Start here:
⭐️Pick a meal to switch up, include a few different foods a week or increase protein.
⭐️Get curious about how the foods you’re currently eating are making you feel

Those are just 3 suggestions to get you started.

Want more information about Eating for MS?

Like what (imo) you should include in your diet, how to eliminate foods, and meal ideas??
So that you too can feel so much better in your body and get your life back?

I just dropped a new Eating for MS Guide, full of all the info you need to get started on your own food journey.

Comment GUIDE below and I’ll send you the link!

34 29
Or, comment WAITLIST to be notified when it’s ready!!

I’ve been talking to many of you about your questions regarding eating for MS.

There’s lots of confusion about what is “right” and “wrong”. 

Lemme tell you, I’ll answer this in the guide for sure- and it prob won’t be the answer you’re expecting?

Drop any other questions below and I’ll answer them!!

Or, comment WAITLIST to be notified when it’s ready!!

I’ve been talking to many of you about your questions regarding eating for MS.

There’s lots of confusion about what is “right” and “wrong”.

Lemme tell you, I’ll answer this in the guide for sure- and it prob won’t be the answer you’re expecting?

Drop any other questions below and I’ll answer them!!

19 7
:: first, comment WAITLIST below to be notified when my new Eating for MS Guide is available!::

When I was first diagnosed with MS I didn’t even think to ask if anything else besides medication would help me.

It didn’t even occur to me that changing my diet or managing stress would also play a part in my disease.

It took a few years, several relapses and failed medications for my BOYFRIEND (now hubby) to ask my neurologist if any diet would help.

And even then, my neuros answer was 🤷🏻‍♂️.

If you also haven’t considered it, let me be the first to tell you:

to decrease your symptoms and influence your long term prognosis by implementing lifestyle changes.

What we eat
How we move
How we manage stress
Our toxin burden
Our hydration status
Etc etc etc
all go a long way in helping us MSers live better with MS.

I lived this transformation; from totally exhausted and unable to get off the couch to hiking mountains or playing golf,
I KNOW it’s possible for you, too.

I’m in the final stages of putting together a comprehensive resource on Eating for MS, comment WAITLIST and I’ll let you know when it’s ready!!

:: first, comment WAITLIST below to be notified when my new Eating for MS Guide is available!::

When I was first diagnosed with MS I didn’t even think to ask if anything else besides medication would help me.

It didn’t even occur to me that changing my diet or managing stress would also play a part in my disease.

It took a few years, several relapses and failed medications for my BOYFRIEND (now hubby) to ask my neurologist if any diet would help.

And even then, my neuros answer was 🤷🏻‍♂️.

If you also haven’t considered it, let me be the first to tell you:

to decrease your symptoms and influence your long term prognosis by implementing lifestyle changes.

What we eat
How we move
How we manage stress
Our toxin burden
Our hydration status
Etc etc etc
all go a long way in helping us MSers live better with MS.

I lived this transformation; from totally exhausted and unable to get off the couch to hiking mountains or playing golf,
I KNOW it’s possible for you, too.

I’m in the final stages of putting together a comprehensive resource on Eating for MS, comment WAITLIST and I’ll let you know when it’s ready!!

29 24

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