Alternative Treatments: Stem Cell Treatments

Stem Cell Treatments have been making headlines for years. From controversy to life saving treatment, they have certainly made waves. But how can stem cells be applied to Multiple Sclerosis?

What is a stem cell?

First, let’s investigate what exactly IS a stem cell. There are several things that define a stem cell. One is they are capable of developing into multiple different types of specialized cells. Which means they can become any type of cell in the body, also why doctors are so interested in them for treatments for illnesses and disorders. Another is they are able to divide to produce more stem cells.  And finally they are capable of creating functional tissue. Stem cells are always found in the body, from early embryonic stages, until adulthood. Depending on the type of stem cell, they can be found in various places in the body:
  • HSCs (haematopoietic stem cells) these are adult stem cells that are found in blood and bone marrow and are able to produce all the cells needed to create blood and the immune system.
  • MSCs (mesenchymal stem cells) these are adult stem cells found in a few places in the body, fat tissue, skin and bone marrow. These cells produce other cells which help other stem cells work properly.
  • NSCs (neural stem cells) these are specialized stem cells that help repair myelin in the brain. These can also be created from other stem cells, particularly MSCs.
  • hESCs (human embryonic stem cells) these are cells derived from embryos. They can produce every other type of cell in the body. There is an issue with the therapeutic use of these however, they have been unfortunately found to cause tumors in some cases.
  • iPSCs (induced pluripotent stem cells) these are cells that have been manipulated from other adult cells to create different types of cells. These also have the issue of causing tumors.
The stem cells that are most used for therapeutic use are HSCs and MSCs. (There have been some treatments that have been studied that use embryonic cells as well. Obviously there are ethical issues that go along with these types of cells and treatments.) Once the stem cells are removed, they are cultured and then applied to treatment. There are two main categories of treatment that stem cells may provide for multiple sclerosis. Anti-inflammatory therapy and remyelination.

Types of Stem Cell Treatments:

The anti-inflammatory therapy, aHSCT, can be described as “rebooting in the immune system”. It starts with harvesting your own stem cells from bone marrow, which is called mobilization. Then you will undergo high-dose chemo therapy which destroys your current immune system, this process is called immunoablation. Then the stem cells, which have already been cultured, are infused back into the body and a new immune system is born! Unfortunately it’s not that simple. Usually you will need to stay in the hospital for around 2 weeks to make sure you respond well to treatment. But assuming all goes well, you can expect to be functioning somewhat normally within 4-6 months after the treatment has concluded.
Currently there are many studies going on to assess the effectiveness of HSCT. In one such study, 24 patients were followed with the goal of having no disease activity for 3 years post treatment. In 69.6% of the patients studied, there was no new disease activity within those 3 years. Going even further, within 7.5 years, eight patients had shown enough improvement to stop receiving their disability payments and they returned to work. In 13 years post treatment, not one patient had a full relapse, and only one lesion was documented on an MRI scan. However, one patient did die during the treatment due to complications with the chemotherapy that was administered.
Remyelination is another type of stem cell treatment. This approach involves harvesting cells from various parts of your body, often from adipose (fat) tissue. You can also use previously harvested embryonic tissue. The cells are then grown in cultures to promote development of myelin forming cells. The cells are then directly injected into the nervous system to have best access to the brain.

Availability and Side effects:

Currently Stem Cell treatments are not FDA approved. There are several clinics in other countries that administer HSCT, but only a few clinics in the US offer it currently, and only for individuals who meet certain requirements. Usually this is a treatment for people who have had limited improvement with other “conventional” treatments and have significant impairment. However, one way to access stem cell treatments is through clinical trials. There are many going on currently and who are looking for participants. Check in with your doctor to see if this might be a good treatment for you.
This is a very invasive treatment, so there are serious side effects to consider. With HSCT, you will be essentially destroying your immune system, so the risk of infection is high. There is also a chance of having a negative reaction to the chemotherapy that is administered as well, which happened in the trial I referenced and resulted in patient death. This is one of those treatments that you have to weigh the risk to benefit ratio, and determine if it is a good choice for you.
Stem Cell Treatments appear to be very promising. Obviously they come with their risks, but doesn’t any treatment? Hopefully in the future more studies can be done to show their efficacy and it will become an FDA approved course of treatment. Until then, we can look to clinical studies to access this treatment if we choose to do so.
Have you looked into Stem Cell treatments? Have you done it yourself? Let me know!
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I help women who have also been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis make specific and personalized diet, lifestyle & subconscious changes so that they can begin to heal their body, reduce disease symptoms, and return to a life they love.hey there,

follow along on Instagram:

It’s amazing what taking a few minutes to breathe and reassure yourself can do, ya know??

If you have MS and this gives you an immediate uncomfy feeling in your gut because you never advocate for yourself and your needs, 

You need to come to my next Masterclass:
Managing Stress to Manage MS

We’ll be talking about:
* How Stress Works: Discover how your body’s stress response system operates and why it plays such a big role in your overall health.
* Stress and MS: Understand how stress impacts MS symptoms and why it can sometimes make symptom flares worse.
* Building Your Resilience: Get simple, effective strategies to boost your stress resilience and help ease MS symptoms for a healthier, more balanced life.

Happening February 10th at 6pm EST!
Comment NEEDS below and I’ll send you the link to register! 

#multiplesclerosis #lissms #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussystemhealing #healingmultiplesclerosis #thisisms

It’s amazing what taking a few minutes to breathe and reassure yourself can do, ya know??

If you have MS and this gives you an immediate uncomfy feeling in your gut because you never advocate for yourself and your needs,

You need to come to my next Masterclass:
Managing Stress to Manage MS

We’ll be talking about:
* How Stress Works: Discover how your body’s stress response system operates and why it plays such a big role in your overall health.
* Stress and MS: Understand how stress impacts MS symptoms and why it can sometimes make symptom flares worse.
* Building Your Resilience: Get simple, effective strategies to boost your stress resilience and help ease MS symptoms for a healthier, more balanced life.

Happening February 10th at 6pm EST!
Comment NEEDS below and I’ll send you the link to register!

#multiplesclerosis #lissms #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussystemhealing #healingmultiplesclerosis #thisisms

4 1
This is hard!!

We feel like “we should be able to” still do the cleaning, chores, putting things away etc etc etc.. 

But in reality- our bodies need and crave rest and recovery first.

If we don’t give our bodies what they need voluntarily, they’ll find a way to make us.

Really struggle with this idea of listening to and caring for your body?
(I get it- it’s not a skill we’re taught)

I’m hosting a (free) masterclass on this and “managing stress” in January, comment CLASS and I’ll send you the link to sign up!! 

#multiplesclerosis #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussystemhealing #stressmanagement #lissms #thisisms #becausems #seasonaldepression #anxiety

This is hard!!

We feel like “we should be able to” still do the cleaning, chores, putting things away etc etc etc..

But in reality- our bodies need and crave rest and recovery first.

If we don’t give our bodies what they need voluntarily, they’ll find a way to make us.

Really struggle with this idea of listening to and caring for your body?
(I get it- it’s not a skill we’re taught)

I’m hosting a (free) masterclass on this and “managing stress” in January, comment CLASS and I’ll send you the link to sign up!!

#multiplesclerosis #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussystemhealing #stressmanagement #lissms #thisisms #becausems #seasonaldepression #anxiety

14 5
I get it..

It seems like it would be good.

Because others around you are taken care of..
Because others around you feel good..
Because others around you are happy..

But what about you??

In reality, that’s just making it harder for you to help yourself heal and probs making your MS symptoms worse.

I’ve worked with so many people with MS and autoimmune disease… 1 thing (among many) that they all have in common is a habit of putting others before themselves, saying yes way too much and forgetting about what they want themselves.

Feel a little called out?
Then my course Embodied Resilience is for you.

This is a course all about managing + improving your stress tolerance- since stress is the number 1 trigger of symptom flares and relapses

And- it’s on sale for Black Friday!!
Comment SALE below and I’ll send you the link!!

#lissms #multiplesclerosis #healingmultiplesclerosis #thisisms #becausems

I get it..

It seems like it would be good.

Because others around you are taken care of..
Because others around you feel good..
Because others around you are happy..

But what about you??

In reality, that’s just making it harder for you to help yourself heal and probs making your MS symptoms worse.

I’ve worked with so many people with MS and autoimmune disease… 1 thing (among many) that they all have in common is a habit of putting others before themselves, saying yes way too much and forgetting about what they want themselves.

Feel a little called out?
Then my course Embodied Resilience is for you.

This is a course all about managing + improving your stress tolerance- since stress is the number 1 trigger of symptom flares and relapses

And- it’s on sale for Black Friday!!
Comment SALE below and I’ll send you the link!!

#lissms #multiplesclerosis #healingmultiplesclerosis #thisisms #becausems

24 7
✨Moving your body✨

Notice I didn’t say exercise, although yes that also helps.

Stress hormones can get stuck in our bodies, our cells, our muscle tissue for various reasons.

Making it super easy for us to carry stress around with us- which shows up often as:

Trouble breathing
Difficulty with balance

It’s no coincidence that these are often prominent MS symptoms too. Sometimes it’s hard to tell where effects of MS end and effects of stress begin.

Being able to offload accumulated stress is key to being able to improve MS symptoms.

My course Embodied Resilience shows you exactly how to do this, and it’s gonna be on sale for Black Friday.

Comment ME below and I’ll send you the sale link when it’s ready!! 

#lissms #multiplesclerosis #nervoussystemhealing #nervoussystemregulation #stressmanagement #thisisms #becausems

✨Moving your body✨

Notice I didn’t say exercise, although yes that also helps.

Stress hormones can get stuck in our bodies, our cells, our muscle tissue for various reasons.

Making it super easy for us to carry stress around with us- which shows up often as:

Trouble breathing
Difficulty with balance

It’s no coincidence that these are often prominent MS symptoms too. Sometimes it’s hard to tell where effects of MS end and effects of stress begin.

Being able to offload accumulated stress is key to being able to improve MS symptoms.

My course Embodied Resilience shows you exactly how to do this, and it’s gonna be on sale for Black Friday.

Comment ME below and I’ll send you the sale link when it’s ready!!

#lissms #multiplesclerosis #nervoussystemhealing #nervoussystemregulation #stressmanagement #thisisms #becausems

9 2
I’ve seen myself and tons of clients through behavior change to help improve their MS + autoimmune disease symptoms.

There are SO MANY things that can help us.

But the one I’ve seen move the needle the most?

Working on your mindset and stress management tools.

We can change our diet
Change how we move 
Change the products we’re using
Change the supplements we take..

But if we’re still in the high stress state that most of us are in.. all those will only go so far.

Stress is my biggest symptom trigger, and 99% of my clients feel the same.

My biggest course sale is coming Black Friday, included is my course Embodied Resilience, all about learning how to actually manage stress- so you’re not constantly battling MS flares too.

My email list is gonna get first dibs..
Comment LIST below and I’ll add you so you’re notified first!!

I’ve seen myself and tons of clients through behavior change to help improve their MS + autoimmune disease symptoms.

There are SO MANY things that can help us.

But the one I’ve seen move the needle the most?

Working on your mindset and stress management tools.

We can change our diet
Change how we move
Change the products we’re using
Change the supplements we take..

But if we’re still in the high stress state that most of us are in.. all those will only go so far.

Stress is my biggest symptom trigger, and 99% of my clients feel the same.

My biggest course sale is coming Black Friday, included is my course Embodied Resilience, all about learning how to actually manage stress- so you’re not constantly battling MS flares too.

My email list is gonna get first dibs..
Comment LIST below and I’ll add you so you’re notified first!!

18 8
And my period started to add to the joy 🙃🙃

We can do hard things y’all,
breathe in, breathe out,
all will be well.

#Electionstress #seasonaldepression #anxiety #multiplesclerosis

And my period started to add to the joy 🙃🙃

We can do hard things y’all,
breathe in, breathe out,
all will be well.

#Electionstress #seasonaldepression #anxiety #multiplesclerosis

19 4
Home stretch!!

Do what you need to do today to take care of yourself friends.

#Electionday #Govote #Vote

Home stretch!!

Do what you need to do today to take care of yourself friends.

#Electionday #Govote #Vote

10 1
I think 90% of my clients have talked about already feeling the shift to Fall and Winter hardddd.

They are worried about seasonal depression coming back with a vengeance, feeling sad summer is gone and so many other things.

I know when so many feel the same way, you might too.
I know I feel this way too.

I’m working with them to put habits in place NOW that will support them through the winter months.

Here are 2 small shifts we talked about this week:

1. Get sunlight into your eyeballs as soon as you can in the morning.☀️☀️

Ideally this is outside, there will be many science bro’s out there telling you that anything else “doesn’t count” but I say that’s BS.
Yes, the sunlight will have a greater impact if you’re viewing outside, but even if you’re behind a window it will do something.

2. Move your body!! 💃🏃‍♀️

The change in seasons to colder weather makes it super easy to hibernate and move wayyy less than we were in the summer.
I know I’ve been guilty of that this week and it’s showing in my sleep.
But moving our bodies can be so helpful for regulating so many things in our bodies.
Ideally you’re moving in the morning, but again- any time of day will do. 

These are 2 small shifts that can make it easier for your body to transition to, and live with the Winter months.

Let’s crowdsource… what else helps you in winter?? 
I know there are many other things that can!!

I think 90% of my clients have talked about already feeling the shift to Fall and Winter hardddd.

They are worried about seasonal depression coming back with a vengeance, feeling sad summer is gone and so many other things.

I know when so many feel the same way, you might too.
I know I feel this way too.

I’m working with them to put habits in place NOW that will support them through the winter months.

Here are 2 small shifts we talked about this week:

1. Get sunlight into your eyeballs as soon as you can in the morning.☀️☀️

Ideally this is outside, there will be many science bro’s out there telling you that anything else “doesn’t count” but I say that’s BS.
Yes, the sunlight will have a greater impact if you’re viewing outside, but even if you’re behind a window it will do something.

2. Move your body!! 💃🏃‍♀️

The change in seasons to colder weather makes it super easy to hibernate and move wayyy less than we were in the summer.
I know I’ve been guilty of that this week and it’s showing in my sleep.
But moving our bodies can be so helpful for regulating so many things in our bodies.
Ideally you’re moving in the morning, but again- any time of day will do.

These are 2 small shifts that can make it easier for your body to transition to, and live with the Winter months.

Let’s crowdsource… what else helps you in winter??
I know there are many other things that can!!

11 4

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