If you’d like to be interviewed and share your story, please email me at info@liss-ms.com!
Officially diagnosed in January, 2014. In October 212, my husband and I went away for our anniversary (10 years). I returned with a sinus headache and congestion that just wouldn’t stop. Four days later, I was driving and I glanced in the rearview mirror to talk to my toddler, and there was searing pain and a flash of light and my eyesight in my left eye was gone. I got home and laid down, hoping it was just some trama I did. Throughout the week, it got better, but it wasn’t completely gone. I went to my dentist to see if I had done something to my sinuses… I went to my eye dr, who dialated my eye and then told me to contact my dr as she believed I had optic neuritis. Well, because I don’t have a primary and all the insurance work arounds… I ended up with an MRI in December and finally got in with a neurologist in January. She looked at my MRI and went through all my symptoms and met wtih her collegues before officially diagnosing me with MS, saying my case was the earliest she has caught any MS. I went into a deep depression for the next 6 months. Everything I had read, except Wahls was that MS was going to put me in a wheelchair for life. I’m active. With two active boys. I don’t have time to be passively letting this slowly kill me. So I began working out and eating better and (still) working on my mental blocks.
I thought I was going to progress quick and it was going to take me down hard and fast. In actuality, the hardest part is the fatigue in the summer months and pushing through. It affects my right side, so when I get fatigued, my right leg doesn’t work like it should and I get frustrated. Which I hate… so the frustration that my body doesn’t work like it “used to” or like it “should” and accepting my body where it is also might be the hardest.
I am on Techfidera 240mg once per day.
My brain LOVED Keto…. my digestion didn’t. I started AIP in August of 2019 and had a lot of success on it… then Covid. Heading back onto a modified AIP this week.
I began working out again in 2016 and with that began some weightlifting. I loved everything about it and it made me feel strong and empowered. Thanks to Covid, that has stopped but I’m looking forward to getting back into it.
Everyone has been super supportive (that knows).
Eat to fuel, drink my water, move my body, listen to my body…
Hang in there. This is a speed bump on the road of life. It is NOT a death sentence. Find what works for you and your support circle. Reach out to an online group (like LissMS) for support or for questions. MS is different for everyone.
I help women who have also been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis make specific and personalized diet, lifestyle & subconscious changes so that they can begin to heal their body, reduce disease symptoms, and return to a life they love.hey there,
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