Monday: MARATHON MONDAY!! It is a holiday up here in Massachusetts, patriots day? I think people just needed an excuse to take Monday off to watch the Marathon/the Red sox/ day drink. Whatever, I’ll take it. Even though I didn’t work out (I felt horrible), the inner runner in me who was stirring before, is surely awake now! New shoes here I come 🙂
Tuesday: Fairly easy day for me in terms of CrossFit. Warm up of jumping jacks, push-ups, sit- ups, superman holds and hollow holds. The strength portion of the day was strict press, ughhhhh. My least favorite. Every rep, regardless of the weight feels like a grinders. Probably because they are. Due to my poor math/memory skills, I had my 1RM as 5 lbs higher than it actually is, so the weights I was calculating from the percentages of the day were high. So… in reality I hit my 1RM for 2reps. That’s kinda cool, thanks to my poor math. 🙂 The WOD was death by Toe2Bar, which I can’t do yet, so I did knee to elbow. It was actually really fun! I’m finding swinging on the bar reminds me of playing as a kid. Where did that go?
Thursday: The day that launched a blog post. I felt so horrible. I had a migraine for several days, that just wasn’t going away. My drug cocktail I take was just working enough to make life barely tolerable. But I wasn’t happy with what I saw that morning on the scale, so I let insecurity win out over self care. Theres much more about that here. Anyway, as workouts go, it really wasn’t bad. We did a barbell complex to warm up of a deadlift to hang clean to front squat to strict press then a thruster. 2 times, on the minute, for 6 minutes total. If I didn’t feel like dying, I would have loved it. The strength part of the day was front squats. I am loving those more and more recently. I was able to work up to 70 lbs for 3 reps. My max is 75, so when we re-test, I am sure really hoping I will blow that out of the water. The WOD obviously involved up and down, from pike push ups, to deadlifts, to situps. Just another reminder that I should have stayed home!
Friday: I left work early and stayed home. 🙂
Saturday and Sunday: We moved! That is a full body, full day workout in itself. I’m sore, and my body aches, but I’ll be stretching throughout the day. I did notice a difference when moving big, heavy things though. It was a little easier. Thu
I help women who have also been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis make specific and personalized diet, lifestyle & subconscious changes so that they can begin to heal their body, reduce disease symptoms, and return to a life they love.hey there,
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