The trouble won’t be with the people, or the space, it’s going to be around meals. My family has been there for me through all my illness(es), diagnosis and medication changes. But the one sticking point seems to be food. When I first went gluten free several years ago, it was trouble for them. I began to cook all my own food at this point, which made it somewhat easier, but I still felt like I got ‘looked down on’ within the family. When I eliminated gluten this time, it was because of the resources and research I had read about AIP. There was a lot to back me up! But alas, I still got negative comments. I remember telling my mom about the AIP for the first time, she had such a reaction! ‘What could you eat?!?, you couldn’t do that” I wasn’t on board with it myself yet either, but eventually I got there. And I am there.
My family is supportive, some more than others. And in some ways more than others too. My sisters are much better than my parents, my dad much better than my mom. I think it will take some education and cooking for me to show them that this isn’t a cardboard diet. I don’t eat only chicken and sawdust. Unfortunately that is what mainstream culture has made gluten free/paleo out to be. I am excited for the challenge, but I know when it comes down to it, it doesn’t really matter what they think or believe. If this is making me feel better, then great, I’m going to stick with it.
I help women who have also been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis make specific and personalized diet, lifestyle & subconscious changes so that they can begin to heal their body, reduce disease symptoms, and return to a life they love.hey there,
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