Coronavirus – COVID-19




The past month, Coronavirus has exploded. In the news, in the population and it feels like it’s coming for everyone.

Now, just because it feels that way, doesn’t mean that it’s actually the case.

We’ve all be hearing the data for weeks, so I’m not going to keep harping on it here. I’m going to focus on what we can do to help ourselves instead. I’ve seen plenty of headlines saying there is no way to help yourself prevent it and no treatment, and not much we can do besides hand washing (yes, that is very effective).

But I believe there is plenty we can be doing to fortify our immune systems to hopefully prevent contracting the illness all together, but in the event we do get sick, it will be less of an impact to our health.


Increasing the overall nutrient density of your meals is going to be super important. Aim for 7-11 cups of veggies a day, and several of fruit as well. Specifically, vegetables belonging to the cruciferous family (including Brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and kale) may help to stop viruses in their tracks; due to a naturally high amount of a compound called indole-3-carbinol (I3C). Clinical studies show that this compound has the potential to interfere with the way many viruses reproduce.

Cooking with garlic and ginger is helpful as well. Both of these have antimicrobial, antiviral effects and also immune-boosting benefits


Usually I say check your vitamin D levels and supplement accordingly. However right now, I would say you’re safe to supplement with 2-5k IU daily. Vitamin D is arguably one of the most powerful nutrients responsible for modulating and coordinating the immune system. Always use a product with D3/K2. The K2 will help the D3 be more bioavailable for your body to use. 

Glutathione and Vitamin A can be particularly helpful as well, specifically during flu season and dealing with Coronavirus. Much of the issue with Coronavirus is subsequent pneumonia infections. Low glutathione and low Vitamin A can increase risk of death by pneumonia. Being sufficient in both of these can be incredibly helpful for your overall immune system. 

Zinc is also helpful for your immune system. In our bodies, zinc is used to activate T lymphocyte cells. T cells help the body in several ways. One, by controlling and regulating the immune response. Two, by attacking infected cells.

(If you’re in need of high quality supplements, shoot me an email at I have an online dispensary account at Fullscript, where I can order supplements for you.)

Vagus Nerve

You might be thinking, the what? Or what does the vagus nerve have to do with our immune system? And in fact, is has a lot to do with it! Our nervous system is in constant communication with our immune system- via the vagus nerve. Studies show that the vagus nerve can modulate cytokine production. Most of us, have low vagal tone. We need to be focusing on actively working our vagus nerve to improve the functioning of the nerve, and therefore communication between the vagus nerve and the immune system. A few ways to do that:



Deep breathing, using and activating the diaphragm



Cold water rinse, either shower or wash your face


A few things to consider with your lifestyle. Getting enough sleep is paramount. Try for 7-9 hours. Magnesium is a great supplement to consider if you struggle with sleep. Melatonin can help, but your body can quickly become dependent on it and stop making its own. Melatonin is best in severe cases of insomnia, and only for a short time.

Reduce stress. I know, I know. Seems impossible right now. But stressing isn’t doing your body and immune system any favors. If you’re struggling with increased anxiety due to Coronavirus, it’s ok to turn off the tv. Only check in with the news once a day. Take some time away from electronics and your phone. Get into nature, talk to loved ones, read, color, play with pets!

Get low to moderate intensity activity. This will give your immune system a nice boost, and help to bust boredom, as we’re all stuck at home.

Wash your nasal passages out several times a day. This is a bit more intense, but if you feel like you’re possibly getting sick, or have been exposed, this is a great step to be taking. This cleans your nasal tissue and reduces the virus’s ability to take hold.

How does this affect MS?

Having MS, doesn’t necessarily make us in a “higher risk” category. Same goes for all autoimmune diseases. Our immune systems are actually going off the charts! However, some autoimmune diseases can also be immune deficiency diseases as well (but not always). HOWEVER, many of the medications we’re on, are immunosuppressants. Which do cause our immune systems to be lowered. Therefore causing those on immunosuppressants to be in the “higher risk” category. A little more about that:

Copaxone, Aubagio, Tecfidera, Beta Interferons, and Tysabri

These are likely to be safer than the other DMTs as they aren’t thought to be general immunosuppressive therapies. They are more immunomodulating therapy. 

Lemtrada, Mavenclad, Gilenya and Ocrevus

These are immunosuppressants therapies. They might possibly be putting you at higher risk of contracting Coronavirus (or any virus- as you probably know if you’re on one). 

The other thing to consider as MSers is anytime we get sick, we risk the chance of having a relapse or flare. The increased immune activity can often create more inflammation, and therefore a relapse might occur. This would be a secondary consideration for COVID-19, or any cold or flu.


A few supplements to rethink:

Elderberry: Recent research is coming out saying COVID-19 can cause a cytokine storm, which can lead to multi system organ failure. Elderberry increases cytokine activity, potentially making the cytokine storm worse.

NSAIDS: I know, this isn’t a supplement, but many use NSAIDs with fevers, which is common in the flu and COVID-19. More research is showing that NSAID use can increase your risk of developing pneumonia, if you do contract COVID-19. Ibuprofen (and other anti-inflammatories) may dampen the body’s immune response to infection because it is has anti-inflammatory effects.


If you do contract COVID-19:

If you think you may have COVID-19, call your doctor first before showing up to the office. They will probably have separate instructions for you on where to go, if testing is needed etc.

For treatments, zinc lozenges, preferably zinc acetate lozenges every 3-4 hours. This can help prevent replication of the virus in mouth, throat and respiratory tissue.

If you’re sick enough to be hospitalized, request IV Vitamin C. This is typically given every 4 hours, to total 6-12 grams of vitamin c, over a 24 hour period. China has utilized this treatment effectively, and currently there are 3 clinical trials running using IV Vitamin C.


Obviously this is a very scary and uncertain time. I don’t know what this upcoming week will hold, but if it’s anything like last week, we’re in for a wild ride.

The only things we can control, is our reactions and what we’re doing with our daily life.

In the end, I think we’ll all end up ok.

How are you coping with Coronavirus and COVID-19? What measures have you taken? Have you been significantly impacted? What support do you need right now? Hit reply to this email and let me know. I’ll be answering questions on Instagram and in my FB Group as well. I’d love it if you came over and joined in the conversation!


If you’re interested in learning more about what foods are beneficial for Multiple Sclerosis, get my Best Foods for MS Guide here! 


I help women who have also been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis make specific and personalized diet, lifestyle & subconscious changes so that they can begin to heal their body, reduce disease symptoms, and return to a life they love.hey there,

follow along on Instagram:

My reality has changed a whole bunch over the years.

I started out with only a few symptoms. But I could get through the day.

Until all of a sudden I couldn’t.

All within a few years I went from “fine” to:
Having horrible symptoms, had 3 relapses and found myself with “aggressive MS”

This was not ok with me.

Eventually, I took my life into my own hands and rethought how I did most things.
I realized I had to make some changes, or else idk what else was gonna happen to me.

So I did.

I changed my diet.
I changed how I worked out.
I changed my job in the name of stress management.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

If you want this transformation for you too (I know it’s possible) I’m launching my signature course: Holistically Healing MS in a few weeks. 

This is the course you need to get started on this path for yourself.

Only the waitlist is gonna get the pre sale price… 
Comment WAITLIST below and I’ll add you to it!!

My reality has changed a whole bunch over the years.

I started out with only a few symptoms. But I could get through the day.

Until all of a sudden I couldn’t.

All within a few years I went from “fine” to:
Having horrible symptoms, had 3 relapses and found myself with “aggressive MS”

This was not ok with me.

Eventually, I took my life into my own hands and rethought how I did most things.
I realized I had to make some changes, or else idk what else was gonna happen to me.

So I did.

I changed my diet.
I changed how I worked out.
I changed my job in the name of stress management.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

If you want this transformation for you too (I know it’s possible) I’m launching my signature course: Holistically Healing MS in a few weeks.

This is the course you need to get started on this path for yourself.

Only the waitlist is gonna get the pre sale price…
Comment WAITLIST below and I’ll add you to it!!

43 8
This is the reality I lived, I want you to experience it too.

No, this is not a quick fix.
No, these results wont happen overnight.
No, this won’t cure you.


Yes, you can have your life back.
Yes, you can feel better than you do right now.
Yes, your current reality doesn’t have to be a forever reality.

My success years ago was all thanks to the diet changes and the work I put in to know exactly how to eat to support MY body and MS at the same time. 

Yes it took a few months, but what it gave me back was my life- and that’s priceless. 

I’m spilling all the beans on what this process looks like and how to do it in my upcoming Masterclass:
5 Secrets To Creating Your Own MS Diet. 

Comment CLASS below and I’ll send you the link to sign up!!

This is the reality I lived, I want you to experience it too.

No, this is not a quick fix.
No, these results wont happen overnight.
No, this won’t cure you.


Yes, you can have your life back.
Yes, you can feel better than you do right now.
Yes, your current reality doesn’t have to be a forever reality.

My success years ago was all thanks to the diet changes and the work I put in to know exactly how to eat to support MY body and MS at the same time.

Yes it took a few months, but what it gave me back was my life- and that’s priceless.

I’m spilling all the beans on what this process looks like and how to do it in my upcoming Masterclass:
5 Secrets To Creating Your Own MS Diet.

Comment CLASS below and I’ll send you the link to sign up!!

13 5
This is my vision for the masterclass I’m hosting next Monday.

I want this to be an interactive experience where you learn how to best take care of yourself and MS symptoms through the food you’re eating.

Instead of:
- feeling hesitation and confusion around what foods are best for MS
- not making changes because you’re afraid you’ll do it wrong 
- saying no again to going out to eat with friends 

Find the freedom and confidence you’ve been looking for.

Comment CLASS below and I’ll send you the link to sign up!!

This is my vision for the masterclass I’m hosting next Monday.

I want this to be an interactive experience where you learn how to best take care of yourself and MS symptoms through the food you’re eating.

Instead of:
- feeling hesitation and confusion around what foods are best for MS
- not making changes because you’re afraid you’ll do it wrong
- saying no again to going out to eat with friends

Find the freedom and confidence you’ve been looking for.

Comment CLASS below and I’ll send you the link to sign up!!

11 3
Do any of those hit home? 
 If yes… comment MASTERCLASS below.. I got you

Do any of those hit home?
If yes… comment MASTERCLASS below.. I got you

14 3
I get asked this question about different foods at least once a week.

Are potatoes with olive oil ok?
Are tomatoes ok even though Tom Brady doesn’t eat them?
What about grains?

It’s all gonna get the same answer from me….

Sure there are foods with nutrient profiles that match the needs of MS, ✨BUT✨if you don’t tolerate them or feel good eating them, they’re not for you.

I’m hosting a Masterclass next week all about this.

⭐️5 Steps to Creating Your Own MS Diet⭐️

You’ll walk away with:

✨Confidence you’re moving in the right direction regarding changing your diet. You’ll know where to start, how to troubleshoot when you “fall off the wagon” and how to find what works for you. 

No more feeling like:
- you have to start AGAIN on Monday..
- you can’t go out to eat with your friends..
- you’re at the mercy of the few foods you tolerate..

Come join me to learn the balanced way out of all or nothing food land.

Comment MASTERCLASS below and I’ll send you the link to sign up!!

I get asked this question about different foods at least once a week.

Are potatoes with olive oil ok?
Are tomatoes ok even though Tom Brady doesn’t eat them?
What about grains?

It’s all gonna get the same answer from me….

Sure there are foods with nutrient profiles that match the needs of MS, ✨BUT✨if you don’t tolerate them or feel good eating them, they’re not for you.

I’m hosting a Masterclass next week all about this.

⭐️5 Steps to Creating Your Own MS Diet⭐️

You’ll walk away with:

✨Confidence you’re moving in the right direction regarding changing your diet. You’ll know where to start, how to troubleshoot when you “fall off the wagon” and how to find what works for you.

No more feeling like:
- you have to start AGAIN on Monday..
- you can’t go out to eat with your friends..
- you’re at the mercy of the few foods you tolerate..

Come join me to learn the balanced way out of all or nothing food land.

Comment MASTERCLASS below and I’ll send you the link to sign up!!

14 2
My mom will confirm, this was me HARD as a kid.

I used to hate all forms of vegetables, just cause they were vegetables. Whether or not I had tried them was irrelevant, I hated them all the same.

Now, I’m not saying this to blame myself for anything, I’m more saying this as a message of solidarity and that it’s never too late to change.

But I also understand that process is hard!! 
Sometimes getting support can help you move forward.

If you:
- are wanting to change your diet to help MS symptoms but aren’t sure where and how to start
- feel frustrated when you do make changes because you can’t stick to them
- have already been eating super strict and can’t seem to add more foods back to your diet

My Masterclass the 5 Secrets to Creating your Own MS Diet is for you!!

Comment MASTERCLASS below and I’ll send you the link to sign up!!

My mom will confirm, this was me HARD as a kid.

I used to hate all forms of vegetables, just cause they were vegetables. Whether or not I had tried them was irrelevant, I hated them all the same.

Now, I’m not saying this to blame myself for anything, I’m more saying this as a message of solidarity and that it’s never too late to change.

But I also understand that process is hard!!
Sometimes getting support can help you move forward.

If you:
- are wanting to change your diet to help MS symptoms but aren’t sure where and how to start
- feel frustrated when you do make changes because you can’t stick to them
- have already been eating super strict and can’t seem to add more foods back to your diet

My Masterclass the 5 Secrets to Creating your Own MS Diet is for you!!

Comment MASTERCLASS below and I’ll send you the link to sign up!!

15 1
It’s been a week for me… maybe you too?

Use this short video for a moment of peace and regulation.

What do you notice in your body and about your emotions when you exhale and drop your shoulders?

Or when you hear bird songs?

Notice what makes you feel more calm, relaxed and at peace. 
Do more of that..

It’s been a week for me… maybe you too?

Use this short video for a moment of peace and regulation.

What do you notice in your body and about your emotions when you exhale and drop your shoulders?

Or when you hear bird songs?

Notice what makes you feel more calm, relaxed and at peace.
Do more of that..

12 4
I get it… I was once in paralysis by analysis for years!!

I’m creating a Masterclass/Workshop experience in August to cover this exact topic: what and how to eat for MS. 

BUT!! I need your help to narrow down what we’ll be talking about.

Which of these options sounds most helpful?
Comment the number below!!

Workshop ideas: 

1. Simple Nutrition for MS: what you need to know about eating for healing 

2. Create Your Own MS Diet: How to know what is best for YOU, while also helping MS symptoms

3. Education into Action: How to put the knowledge you have into action steps that make progress

4. Blend of it All: Education, steps to finding your own MS diet and how to get started

Want something else?? Tell me 👇🏼👇🏼

I get it… I was once in paralysis by analysis for years!!

I’m creating a Masterclass/Workshop experience in August to cover this exact topic: what and how to eat for MS.

BUT!! I need your help to narrow down what we’ll be talking about.

Which of these options sounds most helpful?
Comment the number below!!

Workshop ideas:

1. Simple Nutrition for MS: what you need to know about eating for healing

2. Create Your Own MS Diet: How to know what is best for YOU, while also helping MS symptoms

3. Education into Action: How to put the knowledge you have into action steps that make progress

4. Blend of it All: Education, steps to finding your own MS diet and how to get started

Want something else?? Tell me 👇🏼👇🏼

7 3
FYI- This process took several YEARS for me . So please stop beating yourself up if you’re not here yet.

Tbh- I needed to go through the scared, intimidated, rebellious no way before I got to the heck yes.

It took me being at rock bottom, symptoms out of control and knowing I needed something else.

So I didn’t really “do anything” to be ready. 
I just was when I was.

If you’re feeling ready to make diet changes to help your MS symptoms, I created an Eating for MS guide just for you! 

Your guide includes:
- The best foods to be eating when you have MS
- Several ways to get started
- Fast and easy meal ideas
- And so much more!!

Comment GUIDE below and I’ll send you the link to download!

FYI- This process took several YEARS for me . So please stop beating yourself up if you’re not here yet.

Tbh- I needed to go through the scared, intimidated, rebellious no way before I got to the heck yes.

It took me being at rock bottom, symptoms out of control and knowing I needed something else.

So I didn’t really “do anything” to be ready.
I just was when I was.

If you’re feeling ready to make diet changes to help your MS symptoms, I created an Eating for MS guide just for you!

Your guide includes:
- The best foods to be eating when you have MS
- Several ways to get started
- Fast and easy meal ideas
- And so much more!!

Comment GUIDE below and I’ll send you the link to download!

15 7
I get it- it’s really easy to shame yourself into changing something, especially your diet/the foods you eat. And especially when we feel there are other things we “should be doing” because we know “it’s better for us”.

But that is NOT my wish for you.

Hi 👋🏼 my name is Alissa and we do things differently around here.

My goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed decisions about your dietary choices, tailored to your unique MS needs and preferences.

This is why I wrote my Eating for MS Guide the way I did.
I did not give you foods to fear or messages of ONLY EAT THIS FOOD FOREVER OR ELSE.

I’m giving you the tools to be confident in the choices you’re making, because you know it works for YOU. Not because you “should” do it this or that way.

If you’ve been wanting: 
- to eat in a way that supports your body with MS, but are confused about all the different messages online
- to feel empowered about your choices, not shamed
- to do it all in a gentle, slow way, not a crash diet..

My guide is for you!!
Comment GUIDE below and I’ll send you the link to download!!

I get it- it’s really easy to shame yourself into changing something, especially your diet/the foods you eat. And especially when we feel there are other things we “should be doing” because we know “it’s better for us”.

But that is NOT my wish for you.

Hi 👋🏼 my name is Alissa and we do things differently around here.

My goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed decisions about your dietary choices, tailored to your unique MS needs and preferences.

This is why I wrote my Eating for MS Guide the way I did.
I did not give you foods to fear or messages of ONLY EAT THIS FOOD FOREVER OR ELSE.

I’m giving you the tools to be confident in the choices you’re making, because you know it works for YOU. Not because you “should” do it this or that way.

If you’ve been wanting:
- to eat in a way that supports your body with MS, but are confused about all the different messages online
- to feel empowered about your choices, not shamed
- to do it all in a gentle, slow way, not a crash diet..

My guide is for you!!
Comment GUIDE below and I’ll send you the link to download!!

7 2
Or for when you’re trying to talk yourself out of being sick.. 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️😂😂

Even if you feel fine, try saying a few of these out loud. Feel what happens to your body when you do.

Do you feel an expansion or lightness in your chest?
Does breathing get a little easier?
Just notice the shifts in your body.

I’m not saying we can talk ourselves out of it (illness, flares etc) … but… our body and cells respond to our thoughts.

So how we think about ourselves is definitely in the conversation of how we can take care of ourselves overall. 

Or for when you’re trying to talk yourself out of being sick.. 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️😂😂

Even if you feel fine, try saying a few of these out loud. Feel what happens to your body when you do.

Do you feel an expansion or lightness in your chest?
Does breathing get a little easier?
Just notice the shifts in your body.

I’m not saying we can talk ourselves out of it (illness, flares etc) … but… our body and cells respond to our thoughts.

So how we think about ourselves is definitely in the conversation of how we can take care of ourselves overall.

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