Managing Cold and Flu Season

Managing Cold and Flu Season


This is bound to be a different cold and flu season. 

Not only are we going to be managing our “regular” colds and flus, we’re now needing to be vigilant for Coronavirus as well. 

When we eventually get sick, the usual course of action for many is to pop some OTC “meds” and be on their way. However, this isn’t always the best approach. Those OTC medications you get at the local drug store only suppress symptoms. While that’s music to your ears when you’re in the thick of it, treating the root cause (the virus) will get you back to feeling better much faster. Plus, those medications also can have nasty side effects. Lose-Lose.

Oh- and please, PU-lease! Don’t let any doctor prescribe you antibiotics for a cold or flu. They won’t help. A cold or flu is caused by a virus, not bacteria. Therefore antibiotics are useless against these. (Over prescribing of antibiotics is one reason why there are so many antibiotic resistant strains of everything these days, but I digress..)

Getting Sick is a Good Thing?

Why yes, getting sick every so often is actually a good thing. Now I didn’t say all the time, that’s not so good. I mean getting a cold once every few years or so. Not multiple colds a year (even though that’s what most people get). Getting a cold every so often actually shows that your immune system is in proper working order. When I was in my Nutritional Therapy program, we learned that the unhealthy ones were the ones who never got sick. This is due to your immune system being too weak to fight. 

Cold? Flu? Rona? 

Sometimes is super easy to tell if it’s a cold or flu. Sometimes it’s not so easy to tell. And this year we have a new one to worry about- Corona! Even though they all have similar symptoms, they vary in the specifics. A cold usually starts with that dreaded sore throat, you know what I’m talking about. That one that makes you think “CRAP. I’m getting sick”. That lasts for a few days then turns into congestion, a runny nose and coughing. Usually you’re feeling better within a week or so, hopefully. Most often symptoms stay above the neck.

Deciphering whether or not it’s the flu or coronavirus, will be harder as they have many similarities. The flu comes on much more rapidly than a cold but can still start with a sore throat, then quickly transitions into headache, muscle aches, sore/stiffness, fever, congestion and cough. Flu symptoms can last for several weeks. Coronavirus has many of the same symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath/issues breathing, fatigue, sore throat, runny/stuffy nose, body aches, headache and GI distress. One of the hallmark distinctions is smell. If you’ve lost your ability to taste or smell, most likely it’s Coronavirus. 

Either way, it’s a good idea to get tested for Coronavirus if you’re experiencing any symptoms. 

An Ounce of Prevention..

I’m going to sound a little grandma-ish here, but the best way to not even GET a cold, flu or Corona in the first place, is to, you guessed it, wash your hands. I know that’s obvious and we’re hearing it everywhere, but many of us didn’t do it as often as we should have been. You don’t even have to get a fancy schmancy anti-microbial soap or hand sanitizer, just a regular old bar of soap will do. 

While you’re at it… make sure you’re getting enough sleep, managing your stress and eating nutrient dense food. Super easy, right?

Will I automatically relapse if I get sick? 

Not necessarily. When we get sick with anything, a virus, bacteria or infection, we have a chance of having a relapse due to the illness. This is due to our immune system going into fix it mode to help our virus (or whatever it is). Because our bodies are primed for autoimmunity, our immune systems sometimes get confused on what it is fighting. This can lead to a relapse while we’re fighting something else. It doesn’t happen 100% of the time, but it can. Just another reason to take care and try to avoid being ill. 

Also, being sick might bring on a pseudo-exacerbation. This is when it feels like we’re having a relapse, but actually are feeling an increase in symptoms that are already present. This often happens in the heat as well. 

If You Do Get Sick:

Inevitably, those little germs will breach your defenses and find their way into your body. So let’s look at some remedies for when that happens. In no particular order:

Vitamin A & D: Best for- Prevention. Vitamin A and D work in conjunction with each other to strengthen the immune system. In the winter, many of us who are already Vitamin D deficient, get even less sun exposure than in the summer. So it makes sense that our immune systems take a hit in the winter. Studies have shown that supplementing with smaller amounts of vitamin D, like 2,000 IU, are effective for helping to prevent colds and flu, as compared to single, larger doses. Studies are also showing that Vitamin D deficiency is one of the biggest predictors in how you recover from Corona. Those who were deficient in Vitamin D were more likely to need ICU and hospital care. 

NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine): Best for- Prevention. NAC is an amino acid produced by our bodies. It can help enhance the production of one of our most effective antioxidants, glutathione. NAC can help when you have a respiratory illness by diluting the mucus produced, making it easier to eliminate. NAC can also lessen the severity of the flu. Scientist are studying the use of NAC with Coronavirus patients as well. 

Probiotics: Best for- Prevention A healthy gut means a healthy immune system. Studies have shown that introducing beneficial bacteria to the gut can have significant effects on preventing colds and the flu. Specifically, three strains of Lactobacillus have been shown to be most beneficial. Lactobacillus paracasei, casei and fermentum. Individuals who introduced these showed a reduction in the number of colds they acquired.

Medicinal Mushrooms (no, not those kind): Best for- Prevention Medicinal mushrooms aren’t the kind that make you feel funny and see weird things. Medicinal mushrooms are mushrooms with specific properties that are incredibly healing to your body. And they are uber trendy right now. On top of doing a ton of other things, they can strengthen the immune system and help in responding to viruses. Chaga, Cordyceps, Reishi and Shiitake are the best for immune health.

Ginger: Best for- Prevention and Treatment Ginger is an all around powerhouse of an herb. It has been used in Chinese medicine for hundreds of years. Fresh ginger has an antiviral and anti-inflammatory property that can act against viruses in the respiratory system. I personally really enjoy ginger tea whenever I’m not feeling the best. As an added boost, add raw honey to your tea.

Echinacea: Best for- Prevention and Treatment Echinacea is another herb that has been used for hundreds of years. The Native Americans used it to treat severe infections and it has strong anti-inflammatory properties. In scientific studies, it has been shown to have the same effectiveness as antiviral medications (Tamiflu). Tea, tincture or capsules will all be beneficial during a cold.

Manuka Honey: Best for- Recovery and Coughs Manuka Honey ain’t your regular grocery store honey. Manuka Honey is a type of honey from bees that feed on the Manuka Tree in New Zealand and Australia. This honey is more potent than standard honey. It is more effective than most OTC cough medications and can improve efficacy of other antiviral medications as well. MGO (methlglyoxal) is the primary active ingredient in Manuka Honey. When looking for honey at the store, the higher MGO reading, the better.

Propolis: Best for- Recovery More bee goodness! Propolis is made when bees combine the sap from trees with their own saliva and beeswax, they create a sticky brown substance to build their hives. Propolis is born! Bees actually use this as well to protect their hives from pathogens. Propolis can help to accelerate recovery from colds and the flu, and is especially useful in throat sprays.

Elderberry: Best for- Symptom Treatment and Shorten Duration Elderberry is a medicine cabinet staple in my house, and for good reason . Elderberry is another plant that has been used for years for the treatment of colds and flu. Elderberry can help to shorten colds by as much as 2-4 days. When you’re sick, that seems like a lifetime. This is usually found as a syrup or I’ve often seen lozenges too. Aim for 15 ml, up to 4 times a day. Some with autoimmune disease can find that Elderberry upregulates their immune system too much, so please take caution with this one. Try it out at small doses and see if it increases any symptoms. 

Vitamin C: Best for- Shortening Duration Vitamin C is something to always be considering when thinking of keeping your immune system healthy. However, at the onset of a cold, taking higher doses of Vitamin C may reduce your cold duration significantly. Aim for 1,000- 4,000 mg daily when sick. High dose vitamin C has been shown to be helpful in the treatment of Coronavirus as well. 

Zinc: Best for- Shortening Duration Zinc is also very helpful for the immune system and is often not thought about as much as Vitamin D or C. However it is just as important. Zinc is best taken at the beginning of a cold, in the first 24 hours, to significantly shorten the colds duration. Aim for at least 30 mg to be helpful.


Getting sick is the worst! And this year it can bring a lot of fear and anxiety. I hope with these tips, you’ll be able to either prevent getting a cold, flu or Corona. But if not, hopefully this helps to significantly lessen the duration.

Don’t forget, everything else you do counts too. The amount of sleep you’re getting, the stress relief and the nutrient density in your food. All of these together will help to strengthen your immune system the best.



I help women who have also been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis make specific and personalized diet, lifestyle & subconscious changes so that they can begin to heal their body, reduce disease symptoms, and return to a life they love.hey there,

follow along on Instagram:

Or, comment WAITLIST to be notified when it’s ready!!

I’ve been talking to many of you about your questions regarding eating for MS.

There’s lots of confusion about what is “right” and “wrong”. 

Lemme tell you, I’ll answer this in the guide for sure- and it prob won’t be the answer you’re expecting?

Drop any other questions below and I’ll answer them!!

Or, comment WAITLIST to be notified when it’s ready!!

I’ve been talking to many of you about your questions regarding eating for MS.

There’s lots of confusion about what is “right” and “wrong”.

Lemme tell you, I’ll answer this in the guide for sure- and it prob won’t be the answer you’re expecting?

Drop any other questions below and I’ll answer them!!

16 5
:: first, comment WAITLIST below to be notified when my new Eating for MS Guide is available!::

When I was first diagnosed with MS I didn’t even think to ask if anything else besides medication would help me.

It didn’t even occur to me that changing my diet or managing stress would also play a part in my disease.

It took a few years, several relapses and failed medications for my BOYFRIEND (now hubby) to ask my neurologist if any diet would help.

And even then, my neuros answer was 🤷🏻‍♂️.

If you also haven’t considered it, let me be the first to tell you:

to decrease your symptoms and influence your long term prognosis by implementing lifestyle changes.

What we eat
How we move
How we manage stress
Our toxin burden
Our hydration status
Etc etc etc
all go a long way in helping us MSers live better with MS.

I lived this transformation; from totally exhausted and unable to get off the couch to hiking mountains or playing golf,
I KNOW it’s possible for you, too.

I’m in the final stages of putting together a comprehensive resource on Eating for MS, comment WAITLIST and I’ll let you know when it’s ready!!

:: first, comment WAITLIST below to be notified when my new Eating for MS Guide is available!::

When I was first diagnosed with MS I didn’t even think to ask if anything else besides medication would help me.

It didn’t even occur to me that changing my diet or managing stress would also play a part in my disease.

It took a few years, several relapses and failed medications for my BOYFRIEND (now hubby) to ask my neurologist if any diet would help.

And even then, my neuros answer was 🤷🏻‍♂️.

If you also haven’t considered it, let me be the first to tell you:

to decrease your symptoms and influence your long term prognosis by implementing lifestyle changes.

What we eat
How we move
How we manage stress
Our toxin burden
Our hydration status
Etc etc etc
all go a long way in helping us MSers live better with MS.

I lived this transformation; from totally exhausted and unable to get off the couch to hiking mountains or playing golf,
I KNOW it’s possible for you, too.

I’m in the final stages of putting together a comprehensive resource on Eating for MS, comment WAITLIST and I’ll let you know when it’s ready!!

26 20
I’ve seen this trend with women under 35 and over 35.. so let’s see if we can adapt this for others living with MS!

Those of you who are living with MS for just a few years ask a question and those of us who have been living with it for many years will answer!

Who knows, this may bomb, but the idea is fun!!

Ask away!

I’ve seen this trend with women under 35 and over 35.. so let’s see if we can adapt this for others living with MS!

Those of you who are living with MS for just a few years ask a question and those of us who have been living with it for many years will answer!

Who knows, this may bomb, but the idea is fun!!

Ask away!

40 41
Last week I wanted 0 to do with working out. 

I love working out,
I love being able to lift heavy things and feel strong.
But last week?
Nah, I was all set. 

However.. I have some goals and abilities I want to maintain.

Strength training is one way of the consistent ways I help myself to feel good despite living with MS. 

So I made sure that there wasn’t a reason I didn’t want to workout besides my inner toddler, and lo and behold- there wasn’t.
So off I went. 

I gave myself permission to go lighter and slower, which helped me be successful in doing it at all. 

I often find that when I stop strength training for a while, everything starts to hurt, so that’s obviously not what I’m going for. 

I also have a goal of gaining muscle. Muscle decline happens anyway with age, I don’t need to help it along with not moving. 

✨Following through with my daily habits is a form of self care.✨

If you’re done with thinking: 
“I know what to do, I just can’t seem to do it” 
DM me ACTION and we’ll chat

Last week I wanted 0 to do with working out.

I love working out,
I love being able to lift heavy things and feel strong.
But last week?
Nah, I was all set.

However.. I have some goals and abilities I want to maintain.

Strength training is one way of the consistent ways I help myself to feel good despite living with MS.

So I made sure that there wasn’t a reason I didn’t want to workout besides my inner toddler, and lo and behold- there wasn’t.
So off I went.

I gave myself permission to go lighter and slower, which helped me be successful in doing it at all.

I often find that when I stop strength training for a while, everything starts to hurt, so that’s obviously not what I’m going for.

I also have a goal of gaining muscle. Muscle decline happens anyway with age, I don’t need to help it along with not moving.

✨Following through with my daily habits is a form of self care.✨

If you’re done with thinking:
“I know what to do, I just can’t seem to do it”
DM me ACTION and we’ll chat

17 4
Instead of being a lump on the couch, now I can go hiking up a mountain with my husband 
Or walk 8 miles around NYC with my sister 
Or do a workout at the gym
Or shower, go shopping and cook dinner all in the same day 

This is possible because: 
✨Yes, the medication I’m on helps for sure 

But truthfully my life has improved so much because of:

✨My daily habits and lifestyle (my morning routine, my diet, my sleep habits, my workouts..)

✨ But what REALLY moved the needle is actively working to have a mindset that allows me to be flexible with myself, to give myself grace when I “mess up” (aka- when I don’t follow through on a habit)

✨This is a mindset that doesn’t require perfection✨

This allows me to be consistent with the habits- like diet changes or movement programs or whatever else I want to do, which then allows me to see progress (aka: my body feeling better)

Which THEN gives me the motivation and desire to keep doing what I’m doing.

✨This is the secret to “success”- right here.✨
Consistent action + giving yourself grace + noticing progress = motivation to keep going. 

It’s not quick or sexy, its actually rather boring.
But boring is actually way better!! 

If you want a life where you:
Feel good in your body, 
Have energy to spend on your friends and family, 
Don’t think about what the MS symptom of the day will be..

I help you create that life for yourself in my signature program, Holistically Healing MS. 

Today is the last day it’s on FLASH SALE… 
Comment MOUNTAIN below and I’ll send you the details!!

Instead of being a lump on the couch, now I can go hiking up a mountain with my husband
Or walk 8 miles around NYC with my sister
Or do a workout at the gym
Or shower, go shopping and cook dinner all in the same day

This is possible because:
✨Yes, the medication I’m on helps for sure

But truthfully my life has improved so much because of:

✨My daily habits and lifestyle (my morning routine, my diet, my sleep habits, my workouts..)

✨ But what REALLY moved the needle is actively working to have a mindset that allows me to be flexible with myself, to give myself grace when I “mess up” (aka- when I don’t follow through on a habit)

✨This is a mindset that doesn’t require perfection✨

This allows me to be consistent with the habits- like diet changes or movement programs or whatever else I want to do, which then allows me to see progress (aka: my body feeling better)

Which THEN gives me the motivation and desire to keep doing what I’m doing.

✨This is the secret to “success”- right here.✨
Consistent action + giving yourself grace + noticing progress = motivation to keep going.

It’s not quick or sexy, its actually rather boring.
But boring is actually way better!!

If you want a life where you:
Feel good in your body,
Have energy to spend on your friends and family,
Don’t think about what the MS symptom of the day will be..

I help you create that life for yourself in my signature program, Holistically Healing MS.

Today is the last day it’s on FLASH SALE…
Comment MOUNTAIN below and I’ll send you the details!!

39 2
If you’ve been a client, I’m sure you’ve heard me rant about how society’s expectations for women have set us up for autoimmunity and illness. 

We were praised for being quiet, not rocking the boat, keeping the peace, helping others before ourselves, not talking back, etc etc. 

But where did this get US? The women behind the behaviors? 
Sick, anxious and depressed- that’s where. 

Healing MS or any autoimmune disease can’t happen until you put yourself first. 

That doesn’t mean all of a sudden become a b*tch and ignore the world.

It means considering yourself as much as you consider others. 

One of my clients this week was talking about the boundaries she set in her life and how proud she was of herself. 

She was able to manage the uneasiness (aka: terror) of:
potentially letting others down,
being abandoned and 
discarded for voicing her needs. 

No wonder we’re all sick when even saying our needs outloud is scary!
What allowed her to do that after all these years of staying silent? 

Well many things, but one of them is “nervous system regulation” aka: utilizing small exercises that allow your body to “respond appropriately” aka: not entering an anxiety freak out spiral- to daily stressors. 

This is the “stress management” you’ve been looking for and what will change your life. 

My program Embodied Resilience is your road map to how. 

Drop a 🌀🌀 in the comments and I’ll send you details

If you’ve been a client, I’m sure you’ve heard me rant about how society’s expectations for women have set us up for autoimmunity and illness.

We were praised for being quiet, not rocking the boat, keeping the peace, helping others before ourselves, not talking back, etc etc.

But where did this get US? The women behind the behaviors?
Sick, anxious and depressed- that’s where.

Healing MS or any autoimmune disease can’t happen until you put yourself first.

That doesn’t mean all of a sudden become a b*tch and ignore the world.

It means considering yourself as much as you consider others.

One of my clients this week was talking about the boundaries she set in her life and how proud she was of herself.

She was able to manage the uneasiness (aka: terror) of:
potentially letting others down,
being abandoned and
discarded for voicing her needs.

No wonder we’re all sick when even saying our needs outloud is scary!
What allowed her to do that after all these years of staying silent?

Well many things, but one of them is “nervous system regulation” aka: utilizing small exercises that allow your body to “respond appropriately” aka: not entering an anxiety freak out spiral- to daily stressors.

This is the “stress management” you’ve been looking for and what will change your life.

My program Embodied Resilience is your road map to how.

Drop a 🌀🌀 in the comments and I’ll send you details

52 10
It’s ok if it takes time from learning about something to implementing it into your lifestyle.

There is a lot that needs to happen in our mind and body for us to be ready to change something about our day to day life. 

And it’s ok if that process takes longer than you “think it should” or want it too. 

You know what *won’t* help you when this happens? 
Being mean and judgemental to yourself. 

You’re not lazy and nothing is wrong with you, so stop saying that to yourself. 

You know what *will* help you when this happens?
Taking action. 
Action is the antidote to the fear and overwhelm you’re feeling. 

But- in a whole different way than you have been trying.

The key is slow and steady, not sexy or flashy- but this means it’s something better- sustainable. 

Sustainable means “able to be maintained or held”- which is the goal for habits right? 

Being “perfect” for 2 weeks then “messing up” (missing a day) then feeling like a “failure” for that one day, then being “off the wagon” for 3 months isn’t doing you any good (said with muchhhh ♥️♥️♥️)

We want a Supportive Sustainable Lifestyle aka being able to keep up with your habits and progress overtime (ideally for the rest of your life right? It’s about the journey not the destination)

If you want to create a lifestyle that is supportive to reducing your MS symptoms, so you don’t need to be thinking about being on or off “the wagon” again, my signature program Holistically Healing MS is for you.

And good news, it’s on flash sale this week- and the lowest price it will be ever again. 
Comment MSSUCKS below and I’ll send you details

It’s ok if it takes time from learning about something to implementing it into your lifestyle.

There is a lot that needs to happen in our mind and body for us to be ready to change something about our day to day life.

And it’s ok if that process takes longer than you “think it should” or want it too.

You know what *won’t* help you when this happens?
Being mean and judgemental to yourself.

You’re not lazy and nothing is wrong with you, so stop saying that to yourself.

You know what *will* help you when this happens?
Taking action.
Action is the antidote to the fear and overwhelm you’re feeling.

But- in a whole different way than you have been trying.

The key is slow and steady, not sexy or flashy- but this means it’s something better- sustainable.

Sustainable means “able to be maintained or held”- which is the goal for habits right?

Being “perfect” for 2 weeks then “messing up” (missing a day) then feeling like a “failure” for that one day, then being “off the wagon” for 3 months isn’t doing you any good (said with muchhhh ♥️♥️♥️)

We want a Supportive Sustainable Lifestyle aka being able to keep up with your habits and progress overtime (ideally for the rest of your life right? It’s about the journey not the destination)

If you want to create a lifestyle that is supportive to reducing your MS symptoms, so you don’t need to be thinking about being on or off “the wagon” again, my signature program Holistically Healing MS is for you.

And good news, it’s on flash sale this week- and the lowest price it will be ever again.
Comment MSSUCKS below and I’ll send you details

12 0
One of the criticisms I see about using lifestyle medicine to help improve MS symptoms is that it means “I think my disease is in my control, totally up to me and therefore my fault”.

The things in our control, are only a piece of the puzzle in how we feel, our MS symptoms and disease progression. 

Many more things also go into our health equation:
- Genetics
- Age
- Socioeconomic Status 
- Education 
- Health care access
- Your community 
- Economic stability 

I’m not saying that lifestyle medicine doesn’t matter, it does a lot. I’m just saying it’s not the *only* thing that matters. 

What are your thoughts on this? I know it’s a highly charged topic for some!

One of the criticisms I see about using lifestyle medicine to help improve MS symptoms is that it means “I think my disease is in my control, totally up to me and therefore my fault”.

The things in our control, are only a piece of the puzzle in how we feel, our MS symptoms and disease progression.

Many more things also go into our health equation:
- Genetics
- Age
- Socioeconomic Status
- Education
- Health care access
- Your community
- Economic stability

I’m not saying that lifestyle medicine doesn’t matter, it does a lot. I’m just saying it’s not the *only* thing that matters.

What are your thoughts on this? I know it’s a highly charged topic for some!

35 5
Living with MS is hard.
Some days are harder, some easier.

If you’re in a season where it feels hard, I see you.

I believe in you.

Living with MS is hard.
Some days are harder, some easier.

If you’re in a season where it feels hard, I see you.

I believe in you.

21 2
The food we eat can have a powerful impact on our MS symptoms and how we feel.

It’s not a magic bullet- because nothing is.

But, there is incredible potential for healing and improvement.

If you’re not quite ready to follow a “diet template”, like The Wahls Protocol or Autoimmune Protocol, that’s ok. 

Focus on getting some of these foods on your next trip to the store:

🥗Brightly Colored Fruits & Veggies 
🥬Deep Leafy Greens 
🍤Seafood & Shellfish 
🥜Healthy Fats
🥩Organ Meat

Each of these different types of foods contain antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that help support cellular functions, immune health and even help with myelin formation.

Not eating any of it? That’s ok!
Start with adding a serving or two here and there.
✨Have a salad with dinner
✨Toss some veggies in your breakfast egg scramble
✨Have some olives or nuts as a snack instead of chips

It doesn’t have to be hard or complicated.

There is SO MUCH we can be doing to help improve our MS symptoms & progression with diet & lifestyle interventions.

Each thing you’re doing matters.

It may seem like it’s not worth it sometimes, but I’m here to tell you it is.

Keep going!

The food we eat can have a powerful impact on our MS symptoms and how we feel.

It’s not a magic bullet- because nothing is.

But, there is incredible potential for healing and improvement.

If you’re not quite ready to follow a “diet template”, like The Wahls Protocol or Autoimmune Protocol, that’s ok.

Focus on getting some of these foods on your next trip to the store:

🥗Brightly Colored Fruits & Veggies
🥬Deep Leafy Greens
🍤Seafood & Shellfish
🥜Healthy Fats
🥩Organ Meat

Each of these different types of foods contain antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that help support cellular functions, immune health and even help with myelin formation.

Not eating any of it? That’s ok!
Start with adding a serving or two here and there.
✨Have a salad with dinner
✨Toss some veggies in your breakfast egg scramble
✨Have some olives or nuts as a snack instead of chips

It doesn’t have to be hard or complicated.

There is SO MUCH we can be doing to help improve our MS symptoms & progression with diet & lifestyle interventions.

Each thing you’re doing matters.

It may seem like it’s not worth it sometimes, but I’m here to tell you it is.

Keep going!

19 6
In case you needed to hear that today.

You’re not a failure.
You didn’t “fail” at healing.
Having MS is hard- do what’s best for you.

In case you needed to hear that today.

You’re not a failure.
You didn’t “fail” at healing.
Having MS is hard- do what’s best for you.

62 9

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