Having adequate support for multiple sclerosis is incredibly important. However, what ‘proper support’ looks like for each individual may be different. Some people require a support team of many doctors, friends and family to help them with managing their symptoms, appointments and daily tasks. While others need less around the clock support and just need a few close friends and family to help when the need arises. Others may do just fine managing their disease on their own.
One of the biggest things to consider when thinking about the idea of support is are you getting enough? And what type of support do you specifically need? The answer to the second question can certainly be fluid and change over time. What you may need one day, you may not need the next. This may be a question that is difficult to answer, it may be hard to tell exactly what you need, and that’s OK.
Something else to think about, is how you are expressing your needs to others, or if you are expressing them at all. I know for me, saying that I need help, or that I need support is something that is really hard for me to do. And from talking to other spoonies, I know I’m not alone.
So what is it that makes asking for help and support for multiple sclerosis hard? Is it that we are no longer invincible? Or no longer in control? Is it that we are afraid of the response that we will get? Or the lack of response?
For me, this has been a difficulty of mine long before I dealt with MS. I had trouble reaching out for support for years. I was always afraid of the response, of it not being “good enough”; of it not being helpful. But in reality, I didn’t give anyone a chance to be helpful. I was unfair to them from the start. Then, after my diagnosis, I was in a relationship where I received inconsistent support with my MS, which to me, was worse than no support at all. I didn’t feel like I could ask, but I didn’t really want to anyway. Now, I am in an amazing relationship where there is more support than I could ever ask for.
How do we bridge that gap between the all or nothing? How do we take that first step that seems so scary? My answer? It isn’t cool, or sexy, or groundbreaking. It’s something that’s been said by many mothers, and Nike, for years.
Just do it.
Now I know you’re thinking, ‘Really? That’s all you’ve got?’ But yes, that’s it. Nothing has to go from 0 to 60 overnight. You don’t have to go from nothing, to asking a friend to go to a neurologist appointment with you, or a tysabri infusion if those are your versions of 60. Just starting is the point.
As soon as you flex your help muscle, the magic starts to happen. Getting over the initial fear is the biggest piece of the puzzle. Once you’re able to successfully ask, it gets easier from there.
Start small if you have to. When someone volunteers and says ‘Can I pick anything up for you’, instead of saying no yet again, say yes. Many small yeses will add up. It will be uncomfortable at first, it certainly was for me. But overtime, getting support for multiple sclerosis it will get easier.
I didn’t say overnight, I said overtime. Think about these questions for a minute. What is something you need right now? Is there someone you can ask to help with what you need? What is stopping you from doing so? Whatever you come up with you may or may not decide to act on it, and that’s ok. What matters is you challenged your old thinking patterns, and considered new ones.
I help women who have also been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis make specific and personalized diet, lifestyle & subconscious changes so that they can begin to heal their body, reduce disease symptoms, and return to a life they love.hey there,
follow along on Instagram:
5 Habits to Help MS Symptoms
In no particular order:
• Food/ our diet
• Movement
• Breathing
• Tracking/Review
• Joy! Fun! Presence!
Want my free Eating for MS Guide? Comment FOOD and I’ll send it to you!
Want my 3 minute morning routine that helps your brain, body and mind?
Comment MOVE and I’ll send it to you!
Let me know if you like these lives and want to hear about more topics!
5 Habits to Help MS Symptoms
In no particular order:
• Food/ our diet
• Movement
• Breathing
• Tracking/Review
• Joy! Fun! Presence!
Want my free Eating for MS Guide? Comment FOOD and I’ll send it to you!
Want my 3 minute morning routine that helps your brain, body and mind?
Comment MOVE and I’ll send it to you!
Let me know if you like these lives and want to hear about more topics! ...
5 Underrated Supplements to help MS symptoms
In no particular order:
• ALA- Alpha Lipoic Acid
• NAC N-Acetylcystine
• Lions Mane Mushroom
• Pre/Probiotics
Have you tried any of these before??
What has been your experience?
5 Underrated Supplements to help MS symptoms
In no particular order:
• ALA- Alpha Lipoic Acid
• NAC N-Acetylcystine
• Lions Mane Mushroom
• Pre/Probiotics
Have you tried any of these before??
What has been your experience? ...
5 things to keep in mind about nutrition and MS
1. Addition before subtraction
2. Eat your fruits, veggies and fats
3. Think about how you’re eating vs what you’re eating
4. Hydrate!!
5. Consider elimination if needed
More questions on food for MS?
Grab your Eating for MS Guide in my bio!!
5 things to keep in mind about nutrition and MS
1. Addition before subtraction
2. Eat your fruits, veggies and fats
3. Think about how you’re eating vs what you’re eating
4. Hydrate!!
5. Consider elimination if needed
More questions on food for MS?
Grab your Eating for MS Guide in my bio!! ...
Just a guess…
Did I nail it? Almost? I bet.
I’ve seen the same patterns over and over within my clients (and tbh myself)
Growing up hyper independent..
Possibly not getting your needs met as a kid..
Feeling like you’re in control of it all girl boss style..
But unable to say no when asked to do anything..
You think you’re just being helpful, or kind, or smart..
In reality you’re keeping yourself stuck and sick.
Babe lemme tell you, there is a way out.
Embodied Resilience gives you that path out from under your unhelpful patterns (that always saying yes thing) and your over stressed life
Comment OUT below and I’ll send you details on the group.. we start next week!!
#lissms #multiplesclerosis #nervoussystemregulation #multiplesclerosiswarrior #nervoussystemhealing #thisisms #becausems #msawarenessmonth
Just a guess…
Did I nail it? Almost? I bet.
I’ve seen the same patterns over and over within my clients (and tbh myself)
Growing up hyper independent..
Possibly not getting your needs met as a kid..
Feeling like you’re in control of it all girl boss style..
But unable to say no when asked to do anything..
You think you’re just being helpful, or kind, or smart..
In reality you’re keeping yourself stuck and sick.
Babe lemme tell you, there is a way out.
Embodied Resilience gives you that path out from under your unhelpful patterns (that always saying yes thing) and your over stressed life
Comment OUT below and I’ll send you details on the group.. we start next week!!
#lissms #multiplesclerosis #nervoussystemregulation #multiplesclerosiswarrior #nervoussystemhealing #thisisms #becausems #msawarenessmonth ...
Stress & MS!!
• How our nervous system should function
• Why it doesn’t work “right” in todays world
• How to support our nervous system & stress response
Stress & MS!!
• How our nervous system should function
• Why it doesn’t work “right” in todays world
• How to support our nervous system & stress response ...
Don’t think people pleasing & being a perfectionist with 0 boundaries is adding to your stress?
Think again babe 😬
It’s amazing how different my clients have felt after stopping these patterns-
And having support while doing so is paramount.
Embodied Resilience is that place for support and change.
Comment SAFE below and I’ll send you details!!
Don’t think people pleasing & being a perfectionist with 0 boundaries is adding to your stress?
Think again babe 😬
It’s amazing how different my clients have felt after stopping these patterns-
And having support while doing so is paramount.
Embodied Resilience is that place for support and change.
Comment SAFE below and I’ll send you details!! ...
First, comment SAFE below and I’ll send you details on my course Embodied Resilience-
(Maybe the only live round this year) we start March 10th!!
Years and years ago, someone really confused me when they said meditating made their anxiety worse.
My baby therapist-in-training brain thought, well crap- isn’t that supposed to help???
While yes, it is supposed to, it often doesn’t.
(Especially if you’ve experienced trauma)
You see, before we get quiet with our thoughts in meditation, our bodies need to feel safe doing so.
If you don’t feel safe in your body, meditation won’t “work”.
I see this all the time in my clients:
• they’re going a mile a minute throughout the day..
• thinking 10 steps ahead of what they’re doing..
• ignoring their body all day..
then all of a sudden they sit down to try and meditate and- shocker- they “can’t”
You too? You’re not broken- promise 🧡🧡
Try this instead:
- Stop what you’re doing and actually sit down (I’ll wait)
- Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and focus on a loud whooooooshing exhale
- Put your hand on your chest and notice what your body is physically feeling (tight chest? Hole in your stomach? Exhaustion?)
- Gently sway/rock your shoulders back and forth
- Open your eyes and come back to your surroundings. Look around the room and name a few objects you see around you out loud.
- How did that feel to your mind and body?
If you’ve been trying all the things to help reduce stress + calm your body and mind but find they “don’t work” I invite you into Embodied Resilience.
This is one of my signature programs designed to help you learn how to actually manage stress in an effective way, so stress doesn’t cause a MS symptom flare or worse- full blown relapse.
We’re still in pre-sale, so to get the best price grab your spot now!!
#lissms #thisisms #becausems #multiplesclerosis #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussystemhealing #healingmultiplesclerosis #multiplesclerosiswarrior
First, comment SAFE below and I’ll send you details on my course Embodied Resilience-
(Maybe the only live round this year) we start March 10th!!
Years and years ago, someone really confused me when they said meditating made their anxiety worse.
My baby therapist-in-training brain thought, well crap- isn’t that supposed to help???
While yes, it is supposed to, it often doesn’t.
(Especially if you’ve experienced trauma)
You see, before we get quiet with our thoughts in meditation, our bodies need to feel safe doing so.
If you don’t feel safe in your body, meditation won’t “work”.
I see this all the time in my clients:
• they’re going a mile a minute throughout the day..
• thinking 10 steps ahead of what they’re doing..
• ignoring their body all day..
then all of a sudden they sit down to try and meditate and- shocker- they “can’t”
You too? You’re not broken- promise 🧡🧡
Try this instead:
- Stop what you’re doing and actually sit down (I’ll wait)
- Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and focus on a loud whooooooshing exhale
- Put your hand on your chest and notice what your body is physically feeling (tight chest? Hole in your stomach? Exhaustion?)
- Gently sway/rock your shoulders back and forth
- Open your eyes and come back to your surroundings. Look around the room and name a few objects you see around you out loud.
- How did that feel to your mind and body?
If you’ve been trying all the things to help reduce stress + calm your body and mind but find they “don’t work” I invite you into Embodied Resilience.
This is one of my signature programs designed to help you learn how to actually manage stress in an effective way, so stress doesn’t cause a MS symptom flare or worse- full blown relapse.
We’re still in pre-sale, so to get the best price grab your spot now!!
#lissms #thisisms #becausems #multiplesclerosis #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussystemhealing #healingmultiplesclerosis #multiplesclerosiswarrior ...
This is where I start all my clients when they want to start working on their:
- stress management and response
- nervous system regulation
- undoing the unhelpful behavior patterns that got us sick (people pleasing, perfectionism etc)
And the first step I’ll share in my masterclass tomorrow, Cultivating Resilience, all about stress + MS.
I’ll tell you about the rest of the process too.
Haven’t signed up yet? There’s still time!!
Comment STRESS below and I’ll send you the link to sign up!!
#lissms #multiplesclerosis #nervoussystemregulation #stressmanagement #healingmultiplesclerosis #thisisms #becausems
This is where I start all my clients when they want to start working on their:
- stress management and response
- nervous system regulation
- undoing the unhelpful behavior patterns that got us sick (people pleasing, perfectionism etc)
And the first step I’ll share in my masterclass tomorrow, Cultivating Resilience, all about stress + MS.
I’ll tell you about the rest of the process too.
Haven’t signed up yet? There’s still time!!
Comment STRESS below and I’ll send you the link to sign up!!
#lissms #multiplesclerosis #nervoussystemregulation #stressmanagement #healingmultiplesclerosis #thisisms #becausems ...
More ways my life has changed
- less nail biting
- my tiggers aren’t as loud and I can move through them without shutting down
- I dissociate less when experiencing really hard things
- conflicts are shorter with the hubby
- I’m able to ask for what I need
- more enjoyment day to day
- more dancing and fun
- more attending to my own needs
- putting myself first
- boundaries!!
These don’t necessarily scream “they’ll help your MS symptoms too”
But they absolutely will!!
I’m hosting a Masterclass all about stress + MS- and how we can help ourselves manage stress more effectively which in turn helps us to manage MS more effectively.
The class is happening Tuesday evening- comment STRESS below and I’ll send you the link to register so you don’t miss it!!
#lissms #multiplesclerosis #nervoussystemregulation #thisisms #becausems #nervoussystemhealing #healingmultiplesclerosis #multiplesclerosiswarrior #multiplesclerosisawareness
More ways my life has changed
- less nail biting
- my tiggers aren’t as loud and I can move through them without shutting down
- I dissociate less when experiencing really hard things
- conflicts are shorter with the hubby
- I’m able to ask for what I need
- more enjoyment day to day
- more dancing and fun
- more attending to my own needs
- putting myself first
- boundaries!!
These don’t necessarily scream “they’ll help your MS symptoms too”
But they absolutely will!!
I’m hosting a Masterclass all about stress + MS- and how we can help ourselves manage stress more effectively which in turn helps us to manage MS more effectively.
The class is happening Tuesday evening- comment STRESS below and I’ll send you the link to register so you don’t miss it!!
#lissms #multiplesclerosis #nervoussystemregulation #thisisms #becausems #nervoussystemhealing #healingmultiplesclerosis #multiplesclerosiswarrior #multiplesclerosisawareness ...
Is people pleasing or perfectionism signs of stress?
You betcha.
Not only are they adding to your mental & physical load via ignoring your needs, demanding perfection from yourself, etc etc..
Having less flexibility in your emotions and actions tells me a lot about your nervous system and how dysregulated you are.
When we have less flexibility in our emotions or how we relate to ourselves, that usually means our nervous system lacks flexibility to manage our daily stressors effectively.
Meaning- you struggle to not feel like an anxious, out of control mess
Or like an exhausted pile of mush
The answer is cultivating resilience in your nervous system & body so that you are able to handle the stress without increasing MS symptoms or these unhelpful patterns.
Wanna know my blueprint I’ve used to help my clients finally come out of years of (partially self inflicted) stress?
I’m hosting a free Masterclass next week allll about stress + MS, and how to live WITH stress, cause it ain’t goin anywhere.
Comment STRESS below and I’ll send you the link to register!!
#lissms #multiplesclerosis #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussystemhealing #becausems #thisisms #stressmanagement #multiplesclerosiswarrior #holisticliving
Is people pleasing or perfectionism signs of stress?
You betcha.
Not only are they adding to your mental & physical load via ignoring your needs, demanding perfection from yourself, etc etc..
Having less flexibility in your emotions and actions tells me a lot about your nervous system and how dysregulated you are.
When we have less flexibility in our emotions or how we relate to ourselves, that usually means our nervous system lacks flexibility to manage our daily stressors effectively.
Meaning- you struggle to not feel like an anxious, out of control mess
Or like an exhausted pile of mush
The answer is cultivating resilience in your nervous system & body so that you are able to handle the stress without increasing MS symptoms or these unhelpful patterns.
Wanna know my blueprint I’ve used to help my clients finally come out of years of (partially self inflicted) stress?
I’m hosting a free Masterclass next week allll about stress + MS, and how to live WITH stress, cause it ain’t goin anywhere.
Comment STRESS below and I’ll send you the link to register!!
#lissms #multiplesclerosis #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussystemhealing #becausems #thisisms #stressmanagement #multiplesclerosiswarrior #holisticliving ...
It’s a bold statement, but I stick by it.
Countless times I’ve seen my clients improve their symptoms when they change their diet, add supplements etc.
But nothing changes you, your MS symptoms & progression more for the better than working on your mindset, stress management and how your body tolerates stress (all parts of the same coin)
THAT is how you’ll find that one day you aren’t:
• An anxious mess in the morning..
• Having trouble saying NO when you really mean it
• Doing all the things to help everyone else BUT yourself
(Which I know you struggle with- and that’s keeping you sick still babe)
You can do hard things..
#lissms #stressmanagement #multiplesclerosis #multiplesclerosiswarrior #thisisms #becausems #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussystemhealing
It’s a bold statement, but I stick by it.
Countless times I’ve seen my clients improve their symptoms when they change their diet, add supplements etc.
But nothing changes you, your MS symptoms & progression more for the better than working on your mindset, stress management and how your body tolerates stress (all parts of the same coin)
THAT is how you’ll find that one day you aren’t:
• An anxious mess in the morning..
• Having trouble saying NO when you really mean it
• Doing all the things to help everyone else BUT yourself
(Which I know you struggle with- and that’s keeping you sick still babe)
You can do hard things..
#lissms #stressmanagement #multiplesclerosis #multiplesclerosiswarrior #thisisms #becausems #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussystemhealing ...
First, save this for later!
Second, what you gotta know about “managing stress” is:
it really matters how you care for yourself in the moment and afterwards
You see, most of us know when we’re experiencing moments of stress,
but we don’t know how to attend to ourselves to mitigate the impacts.
It all comes down to awareness of:
- Your present moment
- How that moment is impacting your body
Once you’re aware of how the stress you’re experiencing is impacting you and your body, THEN you can start attending to yourself and changing how your body handles stress.
👆🏼👆🏼that’s also how we mitigate stress induced MS symptoms or relapses.
Awareness is always the first step babe.
Wanna know more?
Come to my Masterclass all about stress + MS, Cultivating Resilience
Comment ATTEND below and I’ll send you the link to save your seat!
#lissms #multiplesclerosis #healingmultiplesclerosis #nervoussystemregulation #stressmanagement #spoonielife #thisisms
First, save this for later!
Second, what you gotta know about “managing stress” is:
it really matters how you care for yourself in the moment and afterwards
You see, most of us know when we’re experiencing moments of stress,
but we don’t know how to attend to ourselves to mitigate the impacts.
It all comes down to awareness of:
- Your present moment
- How that moment is impacting your body
Once you’re aware of how the stress you’re experiencing is impacting you and your body, THEN you can start attending to yourself and changing how your body handles stress.
👆🏼👆🏼that’s also how we mitigate stress induced MS symptoms or relapses.
Awareness is always the first step babe.
Wanna know more?
Come to my Masterclass all about stress + MS, Cultivating Resilience
Comment ATTEND below and I’ll send you the link to save your seat!
#lissms #multiplesclerosis #healingmultiplesclerosis #nervoussystemregulation #stressmanagement #spoonielife #thisisms ...
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